##CHANGELOG v2.4.8:
Changelog updated Monday, October 24, 2016

General adjustments & additions

  • Version Bump set to 2.4.8
  • Emby - much requested Plex alternative and now officially supported!
  • Custom Menu - thou shalt not overwrite my custom links
  • Custom URL Override - using your own custom proxy configs for your favorite application? No problem, we got you covered now!
  • Numerous fixes have been introduced
  • QuickBox now proxies around 90% of it’s supported applications for sexxy urls.
  • Added fix to some package installers to ensure proper install
  • There were some typos :blush:
  • Several enhancements to make your QuickBox experience every bit of stellar (see below)

Commit Histories by Submodule v2.4.8

QuickBox/quickbox_dashboard version 2.4.8

QuickBox/quickbox-packages version 2.4.8

QuickBox/quickbox-rutorrent version 2.4.8

Note: RUTorrent changes are sourced from their original GitHub repo provided by it’s maintainer

  • Compare changes from v2.4.7 to v2.4.8 [COMPARE +0 commits]

QuickBox/quickbox_rutorrent-plugins version 2.4.8

QuickBox/quickbox-setup version 2.4.8



General adjustments & additions

  • Version Bump set to 2.1.1
  • PHP 7 Now Standard
  • reliable php7 ppa: has been added, supplied by ondrej/php
  • removed all traces of php5


  • [fix] QB-VERSION fix. Text now reads the actual version installed on dashboard.
  • [fix] Added better support by using unique identifiers per file needing adjustment.
  • [fix] read/write ip to console template | dynamic net adapter read
    Improved dynamic return on active net adapter | Better ip read/write to console
  • If user has multipe network adapters available grep “Link encap” with sed would fail to insert due to whitespace read issues. ifconfig sed command has been improved to only return and insert the first active adapter. in most instances, this first returned adapter is the main/active connection.
  • Removed old trace adapter that was causing new insert to fail in widgets/stat.php
  • [fix] Removed old trace adapter (enp0s20f0) that was causing new insert to fail in widgets/stat.php
    By default the scripts template implements eth0 and changes these dynamically according to the users first actively displayed network adapter. This left over test adapter was causing the stat widget to not display properly.
  • [fix] Added plex update to dashboard package command


  • [improvement] Issue reporting link on dashboard now points to the proper category here in the plaza.
  • [improvement] use apt | change plugin command location
    New plugin location for package and plugin commands (install and uninstall) are now sorted via /usr/local/bin. This simplifies finding and confirming commands, rather than sorting through all executables in the /usr/bin
  • [improvement] read/write ip to console template | dynamic net adapter read
    If user has multipe network adapters available grep “Link encap” with sed would fail to insert due to whitespace read issues. ifconfig sed command has been improved to only return and insert the first active adapter. in most instances, this first returned adapter is the main/active connection.
  • [improvement] Changed execute directories for package and plugin commands
    executables for plugin/package installers and uninstallers are now called from /usr/local/bin/
  • [improvement] Added mod-geoip and php7.0-bcmath
  • [improvements] get ninthgate key with silent curl for Plex Media Server support in 16.04


  • [update] updated the jdk dependencies from 7 to 8 - 7 has been deprecated as of Ubuntu 16.04
  • [update] /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini paths to .ini are now /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini
  • [update] Update rarlinux-x64 5.2.1 to 5.3.0
  • [update] plowshare updated now with plowshare4 and compiled via plowshare4_2.1.3-1_all.deb
    this addresses the issues some users were having with fileupload on Ubuntu 16.04
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Note: It is advised that from this point forward, users start installing 16.04 on their servers (granted a provider offers the image). At some point in the future 14.04 will become deprecated. Ubuntu 14.04 will continue to be supported by the QuickBox script until Ubuntu 16.04 is maintained across a greater margin of the hosting market.


General adjustments & additions

  • Version Bump set to 2.2.0
  • PHP 7.0 and Memcache are standard on Ubuntu 16.04 installs
  • QuickBox now functions properly for both root(/) and home (/home) mounts
  • CSF (Config Server Firewall) is now the included firewall with QuickBox!


  • [fix] plex key adjustment 3117c2b
  • [fix] remove quickbox user from sudoers template b4bfb67
  • [fix] command name adjustment b1820b4
  • [fix] fileshare plugin/link fixed 68fc09c
  • [fix] btsync configs for use 47a813d
  • [fix] dashboard btsync config user adjustment 273e87c
  • [fix] adjust file_exists pid path for btsync toggle install d285df9
  • [fix] only show plex, btsync & web console to master account df43fea
  • [fix | improvement] Addressed sudoers template for better widget output … 964ad65
    • QuickBox sudoers will now be based form a template stored on the repo rather than exhausting awk commands. This allows better use of Alias Commands.
    • RAM Widgets ‘Clean Memory Cache’ function now has the needed firing tool. Located at /srv/rutorrent/home/widgets/sys_data.php


  • [improvement] added csf w/ sendmail for firewall and admin reporting
  • [improvement] update execute locations for plugin/package commands d1977c1
  • [improvement] added plex update to dashbaord package command 44a7096
  • [improvement] New master command added … 76c34a9
    • showspace - shows the amount of disk usage of all users on the server.
    • added better human readability to (showspace) function b78d45d
  • [improvement] remove btsync from service controller 23af85c
  • [improvement] btsync now pulled from ppa - function fixed e3385b5
  • [improvement] add home primary templates … bd8d4b1
    • action.php template staged for /home primary
    • widgets/disk_data.php staged for /home primary
  • [improvement] setup disk_data widget for /home mounts 2d7e2e0
  • [improvement] diskspace plugin and widgets made to support /home primaries 5e2352c
  • [improvement] diskspaceh - diskspace plugin for ruTorrent on /home 6e0a6dc
  • [improvement | fix] addressed issue with ‘back to’ link in web console … cc59bca
  • [improvement] improved IP negotiations | BTSync installer updated f96a996

Review the entire commit history


Note: It is advised that from this point forward, users start installing 16.04 on their servers (granted a provider offers the image). As of the release of this version v2.3.0, Ubuntu 15.04 is no longer officially supported by the QuickBox script. At some point in the future 14.04 will become deprecated as well. Ubuntu 14.04 will continue to be supported by the QuickBox script until Ubuntu 16.04 is maintained across a greater margin of the hosting market. The aim is to keep QuickBox running on LTS as opposed to out-dated images that no longer recieve security updates.


General adjustments & additions

  • Version Bump set to 2.3.0
  • Rapidleech & SickRage now standard
  • QuickBox now maintains a more positive EcoSystem with rolling update support
  • PHP 7 is now supported on Debian 7 & 8 as well as Ubuntu 15.10 & 16.04
  • Massive script aesthetic overhaul. Option prompts are first followed by non-interactive install & finish

QuickBox Repo Structure

The QuickBox Repo Structure has been completely revamped to ensure that all future updates can be released and added by simple git pull commands within the directory expressed for updating. This will bring the install on the users machine to match the current commit chain within the QuickBox EcoSystem.

You can see more about the new Structure and updating within the README

Additional to this, a upgradeQuickBox script is due for release soon that will update old installs as well as keeping current (new releases) up-to-date.

Review the QuickBox EcoSystem

  • quickbox_setup - this is the repo used for the initial setup of QuickBox on the users server. This can be installed by doing the following:
git clone https://github.com/QuickBox/quickbox_setup quickbox_setup
cd quickbox_setup
bash quickbox-setup
  • quickbox_rutorrent - this is the repo used for ruTorrent. All ruTorrent relevant plugins and theme adjustments, fixes, additions and extra enhancements will be included here.

  • quickbox_dashboard - this is the repo used for the QuickBox UI. All QuickBox Dashboard relevant widgets and theme adjustments, fixes, additions, extra enhancements and future language files will be included here.

  • quickbox_packages - this is the repo used for the installers and uninstallers. All needed files/commands for packages installers/removers as well as plugin installers/removers will be included here.

  • club-Swizards - this is the custom ruTorrent theme created and designed by Swizards. Any adjustments you would like to push can be made here. Updating the template… again, as simple as git pull from within /srv/rutorrent/plugins/theme/themes/club-Swizards. The theme is independent of the update for the rutorrent directory which handles plugins etc.



General adjustments & additions

  • Version Bump set to 2.3.5
  • EcoSystem overhaul - structure is now cleaner and installed via submodules making git pulls simple and transparent

Commit Histories by Submodule


View Commit History:


View Commit History:


View Commit History:


View Commit History:


QuickBox v2.3.5 ushers in a whole new batch of features, packages and useful tools. One of the bigger changes is how QuickBox now handles updates directly from the dashboard.

You can find this update under your username in the top right corner:

The way the updates work are now inline with why the new structure of QuickBox via the use of submodules has been implemented. It creates a snappy response and has you on top of updates in a rolling-release fashion. Clicking “Check for updates” will return another :low_brightness:new feature… the System Response Widget.

The System Response Widget now is out-of-sight until it is called from a particular command on the user dashboard. Most notably, installing packages, plugins and running the update.

Another big overhaul is the actual ~/.bashrc that is used for your shell as master of the domain. We’ve added in some cool interchangeable prompts as well as version checking from your MOD on login to your ssh.

Selecting your preferred prompt is as simple as typing the command shown.

commandprompt_on - this prompt shows current directory, amount of commands ran, your servers uptime, load average and the last command to be used in shell. It’s a pretty beefy prompt and us uber nerds will love it!

powerprompt_on - this prompt is similar to commandprompt, however it is a bit more fantastic in that it shows more system based info such as current memory usage to total system memory, load average, amount of commands ran as well as system time. It does this additionally in a colorful format.

basicprompt_on - this prompt is a basic display prompt. It is different than the other prompts in regards to it not showing all the additional information. However, it does alert you to specific issues like load average, memory and disk space. It does this by way of color-coding the different parts of the prompt.

Here is a list of how to observe basicprompt:

# Current Format: [TIME USER@HOST PWD] >
#    Green     == machine load is low
#    Orange    == machine load is medium
#    Red       == machine load is high
#    ALERT     == machine load is very high
#    Cyan      == normal user
#    Orange    == SU to user
#    Red       == root
#    Cyan      == local session
#    Green     == secured remote connection (via ssh)
#    Red       == unsecured remote connection
# PWD:
#    Green     == more than 10% free disk space
#    Orange    == less than 10% free disk space
#    ALERT     == less than 5% free disk space
#    Red       == current user does not have write privileges
#    Cyan      == current filesystem is size zero (like /proc)
# >:
#    White     == no background or suspended jobs in this shell
#    Cyan      == at least one background job in this shell
#    Orange    == at least one suspended job in this shell
#    Command is added to the history file each time you hit enter,
#    so it's available to all shells (using 'history -a').

At any time you can change these prompts with the commands given above, you may additionally turn them off by typing in prompt_OFF. This will restore the default prompt for default bash.

It doesn’t stop there! We have also added in a list of aliases for making things a bit breezier. At any time, feel free to suggest new aliases that you think would make other users experience easier… because typing can be a drag.

Here is a list of the current supported aliases:

alias rm='rm -i'
alias cp='cp -i'
alias mv='mv -i'
# -> Prevents accidentally clobbering files.
alias mkdir='mkdir -p'

alias h='history'
alias j='jobs -l'
alias which='type -a'
alias ..='cd ..'

# Pretty-print of some PATH variables:
alias path='echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n}'
alias libpath='echo -e ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH//:/\\n}'

alias du='du -kh'    # Makes a more readable output.
alias df='df -kTh'

# -> Navigates to set QuickBox trees.
alias Qsetup='cd ~/QuickBox/setup'
alias Qpackages='cd ~/QuickBox/packages'
alias Qrutorrent='cd ~/QuickBox/rutorrent'
alias Qdashboard='cd ~/QuickBox/dashboard'
alias Qrtplugins='cd ~/QuickBox/rtplugins'
# -> Navigates to set QuickBox directories.
alias rutorrent='cd /srv/rutorrent'
alias dashboard='cd /srv/rutorrent/home'
alias syscommands='cd /usr/local/bin/quickbox'

# The 'ls' family (this assumes you use a recent GNU ls).
# Add colors for filetype and  human-readable sizes by default on 'ls':
alias ls='ls -h --color'
alias lx='ls -lXB'         #  Sort by extension.
alias lk='ls -lSr'         #  Sort by size, biggest last.
alias lt='ls -ltr'         #  Sort by date, most recent last.
alias lc='ls -ltcr'        #  Sort by/show change time,most recent last.
alias lu='ls -ltur'        #  Sort by/show access time,most recent last.

# The ubiquitous 'll': directories first, with alphanumeric sorting:
alias ll="ls -lv --group-directories-first"
alias lm='ll |more'        #  Pipe through 'more'
alias lr='ll -R'           #  Recursive ls.
alias la='ll -A'           #  Show hidden files.
alias tree='tree -Csuh'    #  Nice alternative to 'recursive ls' ...

# Spelling typos - highly personnal and keyboard-dependent :-)

alias xs='cd'
alias vf='cd'
alias moer='more'
alias moew='more'
alias kk='ll'

###So there it is!

Big huge update. If there are any questions, suggestions or findings, feel free to let us know in a new thread.

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General adjustments & additions

  • Version Bump set to 2.3.6
  • The long awaited Deluge has arrived thanks to @liara. Drop a donation if you can or give her a big thanks, a lot of effort went into making this both stable and multi-user friendly.

Commit Histories by Submodule


View Commit History:


View Commit History:


View Commit History:


View Commit History:

:rotating_light: Heads Up!

Remember that if you have made customization’s to your dashboard, it is best to back up any and all changes you have made. Updates will overwrite your additions.


QuickBox v2.3.6 ushers in the long awaited Deluge thanks to @liara. Drop a donation if you can or give her a big thanks, a lot of effort went into making this both stable and multi-user friendly.

The Deluge install supports both the Deluged local thin-client as well as the web-client and is multi-user friendly. Passwords and usernames on account creations will configure the users client automagically to use the created credentials. Couldn’t be more simple.

Another improvement is those pesky toggles. There were issues before where a user could set the toggle to off, perhaps not wanting to use iRSSi and their toggle would not kill the service, nor set the toggle to the ‘OFF’ position. This has been addressed in the newest version.

Another big enhancement was the ability to have the Service Status update dynamically rather than the user having to manually refresh the browser. Remember that after starting a service, it may take upwards to a minute for this service to start.



Changelog updated Saturday, June 25, 2016

General adjustments & additions

  • Version Bump set to 2.3.7
  • Several security issues have been addressed as per discussions found with this reddit post.

Commit Histories by Submodule


View Commit History:


View Commit History:


View Commit History:


View Commit History:

:rotating_light: Heads Up!

Remember that if you have made customization’s to your dashboard, it is best to back up any and all changes you have made. Updates will overwrite your additions.


QuickBox v2.3.7 is now seeing a level of stability that we are getting more and more comfortable with. There have been a number of improvements and semantically we should be announcing this patch more as version 2.3.8, however, time permitting we have been crunched on putting this Changelog out. So, even though many of you have been playing on v2.3.7 for the past couple of days… we’ll mark this event as an official push.

As we all know by now, Deluge is working fantastically as a local thin-client as well as a remote web-client. With Deluge settling it’s way into QuickBox there have been a few additional improvements and I will outline them as they are only a couple, but are certainly convenient.

  1. The changeUserPass command now changes a users password for both ruTorrent and Deluge. No longer needing to use two separate commands for the clients. Oh joy!

  2. Torrents held by Deluge are now counted on your dashboard within the Disk Widget along with ruTorrent. This will only show if you have Deluge installed on your server.

####Package Management Center is now officially LIVE! :tada:
Put this in your pipe and smoke it! We have added in the Package Management Center as a means to easily maintain your systems packages. Before, we had them stored much like the plugins in the menu. However, as we add in more and more packages… which there are plenty more to come… the list was growing rather long. @liara suggested we make things a bit neater by including an additional widget on the dashboard. After a day of slamming my UX brains against the wall, it was born.

####Hey hey hey, let’s not forget about the new command line interface installer! Use the command QBPM as root for a handy batch installer that can be run directly after installation.

Massive ++kudos++ to @liara on piecing that miracle together!

We hope this is not only a cleaner presentation to your available and installed packages, but is a bit more informative as to what they actually are. Additionally, it allows us to include packages that we are currently testing and offers a peek at what’s to come. These up and coming packages will be listed as within your PMC.

As per the usual, we have a plethora of surprises and feature requests ready for fulfillment that are always just around the corner. Stay tuned for the next round of updates (or the official announcement). Thanks again everyone for being a part of QuickBox and sharing with us your findings, ideas, praise and concerns… we really couldn’t do it without all of you!

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Changelog updated Friday, July 8, 2016

General adjustments & additions

  • Version Bump set to 2.4.0
  • Loads more - see below for details

Commit Histories by Submodule


View Commit History:


View Commit History:


View Commit History:


View Commit History:

:rotating_light: Heads Up!

Remember that if you have made customization’s to your dashboard, it is best to back up any and all changes you have made. Updates will overwrite your additions.


:tada: After several longs weeks it’s finally arrived, QuickBox version 2.4 has hit public repos for download and update officially as of yesterday (07/07/2016) :tada:

This update is a massive overhaul from 2.3.7/8 versions. Here is an outline of what is different and some of the things you will need to do in order to catch up your system.

:mega: Heads Up!

Since this is such a big overhaul there are some additional steps that you will need to perform manually to get your QuickBox in the shape it needs to be in for future use. Additionally, QuickBox will no longer support Ubuntu 14.04 & Debian 7. We have a priority for security in our deliverable and we advise that everyone start using modern and now readily available updated images for their operating systems.

####QuickBox will use GitHub for legacy (non-supported versions only)
What this means is you will need to update your current local repositories to point at our new in-house git repos located at QuickLab.

No worries, this process is very simple and here is how to update your local ecosystem:

####Step 1 :: Remove the current repo from your system

As root - you can become root by typing sudo su if you are a sudoer.

rm -rf QuickBox

####Step 2 :: Pull the new QuickLab repos to your system

git clone --recursive https://lab.quickbox.io/QuickBox/QuickBox QuickBox

####Step 3 :: Run the new update

cd QuickBox; git checkout master && git pull
bash packages/system/updateQuickBox

###Now that you've updated - Here's some points After the update to this new version 2.4, there are a few things you will need to take note of. We'll outline these now as well as what all the update includes.

####/home directory structure changes
The update will restructure your /home/_username_/torrents directory. With the inclusion of Deluge we have decided it best to separate the delivery of download directories for the two. So instead of your /torrents directory housing your rtorrent downloads and your deluge downloads being contained within that directory at /torrents/deluge, you will now find a much neater layout such as:

_hostname_:/home/_username_/torrents# ls -l
total 8.0K
drwxr-xr-x 2 _username_ _username_4.0K Jul  7 16:16 deluge
drwxr-xr-x 2 _username_ _username_ 4.0K Jul  7 19:45 rtorrent

Since the update converts your directory tree to maintain cleanliness, this does put your torrents for RTorrent in a new directory… don’t worry, the script has taken care of modifying your .rtorrent.rc file for you. However, you will need to address the new directory within RUTorrent and here’s how.

####Step 1 :: Login to RUTorrent

Login to your ruTorrent UI at https://_yourserverip_/rutorrent and do a multi-select of all torrents in your list. You can do this by clicking on the top most torrent, holding shift and selecting the bottom most torrent. After all torrents in your list are highlighted, right click and select “Save To…” from the menu.

####Step 2 :: Save To… Your new location for torrents.

Once you select Save To… a new window will popup. Select to save to the directory rtorrent. After double-clicking to save to rtorrent you will be presented with a single dot (.) and double dots (…), double click the single dot (.) to choose the current directory.

After you have selected rtorrent as your new save location for torrents within ruTorrent. You will now need to perform a recheck on all your torrents, simply do a multi-select if they are not selected and right click, followed by “Force Recheck”. This will check your torrents data against the new location and update accordingly.

Congrats! You’re now using the new directory structure for your torrents.

###Systemd is now the De Facto
Since Debian 8 & Ubuntu versions 15.10 and 16.04 are now using systemd, it was an obvious candidate for pushing into the QuickBox ecosystem, this enhances overall functionality and reduces much of the load on systems. Designed to overcome the shortcomings of init, systemd itself is a background process which is designed to start processes in parallel, thus reducing the boot time and computational overhead. It has a lot other features as compared to init and generally helps make QuickBox a much more stable platform as well as offers in a much more robust feature-set for future iterations.

Once you have ran the update from your dashboard, it is recommended that you login to ssh as root and run the following command - removepackage-cron. This simple command will remove all need for cron/sysv and place you on a more modern systemd. I wouldn’t wait on this, I would do it first thing :slight_smile:

###You’ve got a lot of new packages at your disposal

It’s important to not limit ourselves to a set amount of available packages. What one person enjoys on their seedbox, others may not… but why leave anything out. We are taking note of all requests and are working on adding them in as time permits us to outside of our normal daily lives. QuickBox version 2.4 usher in some exciting additions that we are sure a great many will enjoy. Let’s review them now!

Awesome PVR for usenet and torrents. Just fill in what you want to see and CouchPotato will add it to your “want to watch”-list. Every day it will search through multiple NZBs & Torrents sites, looking for the best possible match. If available, it will download it using your favorite download software.

API Support for your favorite private trackers. Jackett works as a proxy server: it translates queries from apps (Sonarr, SickRage, CouchPotato, Mylar, etc) into tracker-site-specific http queries, parses the html response, then sends results back to the requesting software. This allows for getting recent uploads (like RSS) and performing searches.

ZNC is an IRC network bouncer or BNC. It can detach the client from the actual IRC server, and also from selected channels. Multiple clients from different locations can connect to a single ZNC account simultaneously and therefore appear under the same nickname on IRC.

ZNC will need to be installed via the cli version of the QuickBox Package Management System. You can access this in ssh by typing QBPM

####Independent Quotas
One big request that has been made time and time again is by users who are running either bare metal and/or VM installs in solo mode, i.e; no additional users on the system. When such an environment is being ran, there is no need for quotas as the user will carry the entirety of the disk space.

So there it is in a nutshell, a lot of big updates and we are excited to bring this out of the box (finally!) as it has been a tremendous amount of work for the developers and the beta squad. We would really like to extend our thanks to everyone who had the patience to try out the new toolset and report their findings and suggestions… it would had taken much longer without you guys at the ready!

If you have any complications running the update, or encounter anything unexpected, please post your comments here and we’ll help you sort it out as quickly as possibly.

As per the usual, we have a plethora of surprises and feature requests ready for fulfillment that are always just around the corner. Stay tuned for the next round of updates (or the official announcement). Thanks again everyone for being a part of QuickBox and sharing with us your findings, ideas, praise and concerns… we really couldn’t do it without all of you!


This Changelog is valid for versions 2.4.1 through 2.4.4


Changelog updated Friday, July 29, 2016

General adjustments & additions

  • Version Bump set to 2.4.4
  • Below we will outline the changes that have brought us from 2.4.0 to the current stable 2.4.4

Commit Histories by Submodule v2.4.4

QuickBox/quickbox-setup version 2.4.4

  • 10G inlusion and deluge password changing improved 9ec8b7ae
  • [enhancement] 10G function added to setup script 886d3ff5
  • allow install_ffmpeg to be fired as system command 79a62e8a
  • [fix] address broken changeUserpass function 7359b449
  • [enhancement] added python-xml dependencies to initial install script 552dd1f7
  • [improvement] upgradePlex now dynamically reads version and upgrades fb0ab5f0
    + To upgrade plex, login to your ssh as root and type upgradePlex. Plex now dynamically reads and compares current version to new version and upgrades accordingly.
  • [enhancement] added upgradeJackett function 7bdc69eb
    + Jackett can now be upgraded from users ssh by typing upgradeJackett as root.
  • set syncthing port to csf config template 67917842
  • Add important php dependency to Debian install 5b79494c

QuickBox/quickbox-packages version 2.4.4

  • Remove outdated and refactored QBPM d0c171dd
  • Introducing box – QBPM just got better! d4e0a24b
  • updated installer packages for cleaner and quieter execution 6e29dd38

QuickBox/quickbox-quickbox_rutorrent-plugins version 2.4.4


QuickBox/quickbox-rutorrent version 2.4.4


QuickBox/quickbox_dashboard version 2.4.4

  • english language file update bf59b7bd
  • [improvement] disk data widget now shows less spaces to the decimal aba7e217
  • leftover code lines 4ed09e7b
  • [fix] address infinite loop in vnstat.php 52ab1122
  • remove leftover code lines ec7bec2b
  • [ux] better plugin toggles on side-menu plugin tab 58fad18e
  • improved language menu - selective dropdown 4a0f8b3a
  • [ux] improved bandwidth chart - view upload/download data with values c11daa59
  • [fix] bad translation for ‘Disabled’ 69852b1a
  • Update lang_dk eef0ecf4
  • [ux] use default alert for notice on update widget 936019de
  • [enhancement] new update widget added 0ce996ab
    + view live commit history without all the guessing :smiley:
  • [ux] additional css added for inverse-buttons and default-alerts e3359896
  • cleanup unused code blocks for way of new update widget 40a80644
  • adjust swap text on ram widget 0462f700
  • update language order and array to display proper verbiage 036841e3
  • german language added to menu switch array 0d3d4be6
  • german translation file added c79bdd64
  • increase left:position radius to avoid overlap of stats on danish language 87596b31

Commit Histories by Submodule v2.4.3

QuickBox/quickbox-setup version 2.4.3

  • set allowed services aliases in sudoers template 332aec8c
  • syncthing systemd template added 5db26ef3
  • csf configuration default template added e3d955b5
  • csf/lfd templates for systemd added c96765fc
  • use a more reliable mirror for ffmpeg/x264 repository afb4dd19

QuickBox/quickbox-packages version 2.4.3

  • german menu language package added 82a05719
  • remove --force-yes from plex package installer 8b24a662
  • add syncthing to safe process ignore list 0f8bcde4
  • syncthing install/remove packages added 033aa64d
  • final edits on csf installer package - csf ready 4dc848f9
  • Danish language select function added dd67f96d
  • minor edit to csf installer package f3d71030

QuickBox/quickbox-quickbox_rutorrent-plugins version 2.4.3


QuickBox/quickbox-rutorrent version 2.4.3


QuickBox/quickbox_dashboard version 2.4.3

  • syncthing & csf added to QuickBox dashboard - public release 382337cc
  • removed unnecessary footer from QBPMC 1c2a4691
  • Syncthing traduction added // Ajout de la traduction pour Synchting fb91056e
  • @tomcdj71 :: added syncthing to french language for translation 6b199e22
  • syncthing & csf brand icons added d240e283
  • Danish language menu selection items added fa37b55b
  • @Globber :: added CSF and Synthing strings for translation to Danish d5fcc08c
  • added syncthing language string for upcoming v2.4.4 release 173fe4f4
  • removed leftover language string from french 113ca3f1
  • added denmark flag 1f03ccdb
  • thanks @Globber for Dansih translation!
  • added csf to language (french, english) files 6e751e52
  • Upload new Danish lang file w/ revisions
  • minor edits on disk_data and disk_datah - percent% f3b893fe
  • minor string fixes on fr lang file 34c913e9
  • [enhancement] added better name handling on language menu array 03c881e4
  • added german flag - language coming soon 79e382a3
  • Enhancement lang_fr 5b637147
  • [fix] adjust the math on unpinned widget positioning f3690dea
  • only display language options to the master account c267f71d
  • clear mem cache button language string fixed 14d6fef9
  • use font-awesome for toggle icon on widgets eefbbf18
  • [fix] uptime translations fixed fbbed04e

Commit Histories by Submodule v2.4.2

QuickBox/quickbox-setup version 2.4.2

QuickBox/quickbox-packages version 2.4.2

  • minor spacing 7abb092b
  • merge updater from development f34f0deb
  • remove torrents directory after copy over to avoid duplicated files 4e89677d
  • Update OS check to be less crappy 96231363
  • minor mods to the updater b4c1c7bb
  • Final message corrected. efaed151
  • fix bad spell on plexrequests.lock c84391ae
  • improve plexpy installer output e89d489c
  • version bump 2.4.2 852d837e
  • PlexPy, Plex Requests, Enhanced Plex & Enhanced Web Console

QuickBox/quickbox-quickbox_rutorrent-plugins version 2.4.2

  • [enhancement] added FlatUI & MaterialDesign rutorrent themes
  • [enhancement] added in OblivionBlue & Agent46 rutorrent themes 975dd6de

QuickBox/quickbox-rutorrent version 2.4.2


QuickBox/quickbox_dashboard version 2.4.2

  • remove secondary call to updater 2edc0932
  • [wip] working out variables within language file - en 5c95265b
  • setup language file - fr is [wip] template 36592c36
  • setup language file - en is [wip] template 5b4ba9c1
  • Update fr.php 1e06b82a
  • relax the polling times on status and disk data widgets to 15s intervals 62880902
  • version bump 2.4.2 ee2e1bcf
  • PlexPy, Plex Requests, Enhanced Plex & Enhanced Web Console

Commit Histories by Submodule v2.4.1

QuickBox/quickbox-setup version 2.4.1

  • pipe shellinabox install to logs 24e0b974
  • do not modify profile on install 5bedf081
  • do not overwrite profile 49c14396
  • better insertion of username to web console install 256afcd7
  • include web console installer with initial QuickBox install 67485712
  • add web console to sudoers for start/stop b54643d5
  • rename console style template 86d7aa89
  • [enhancement] addin improved web console templates 944507e7
  • [Fix] Small derp in yesterdays merge to changepassword code 315ff7e
  • only perform quota check if user has opted to install quotas 836db7c7
  • version bump to 2.4.1 - intro better service management 528af84d
  • Ensure changeUserpass also updates htpasswd 99508e0a
  • sorting on script 197187a8
  • fix leftover syntax causing error c52fc5b7

QuickBox/quickbox-packages version 2.4.1

  • pass off user variable to etc/profile a8c760a3
  • avoid overwriting the fileshare symlink on dashboard updates c85bffc1
  • [fix] addressed bad symlink for fileshare plugin e228eb3d
  • fix url referrence on dashboard link d6634500
  • [fix] welcome message issues on profile. 84bc2523
  • silence shellinabox install on update b262224d
  • do not overwrite profile d3cc0ffd
  • better usage of user insertion 6e4c76e8
  • improved web console updating 0acfa1af
  • address bad update for web console 741a0d8c
  • [enhancement] addin improved web console fa161e8d
  • version bump to 2.4.1 - intro better service management 23412806
  • Fix botched plugin updater command f99a902a

QuickBox/quickbox-quickbox_rutorrent-plugins version 2.4.1


QuickBox/quickbox-rutorrent version 2.4.1


QuickBox/quickbox_dashboard version 2.4.1

  • version bump to 2.4.1 - intro better dashboard service management df75e435
  • Rename Deluge http download menu item 10eceb1e

The changelog will be updated later this afternoon to reflect the new version 2.4.6. This newer version is due to launch by mid-afternoon today


Changelog updated Saturday, August 21, 2016

General adjustments & additions

  • Version Bump set to 2.4.5
  • Below we will outline the changes that have brought us from 2.4.0 to the current stable 2.4.4

Commit Histories by Submodule v2.4.5

QuickBox/quickbox_dashboard version 2.4.5

  • updated language files to reflect new batch installer command box install <app> 4f7565b0
    + BOX is QuickBoxs new batch installer for easy installation of applications simultaneously. Type box install <app> to install an application from cli or type: box install <app> <app> to install multiple applications at once.
  • minor adjustments… file: lang_fr a399dbc7
  • Translation added for ‘select language’ + minor changes. 4113237b
  • we only need to log errors from the dashboard 4e649551
  • added additional value to language files - ‘Select Language’ 472ae6fd
  • address minor whitespacing e9cb6383
  • [fix] addressed missing opening php operator 2e5ac300
  • Add translations for CLI and OpenVPN package + quickVPN command cc295426
  • better openvpn info and integration within dashboard 95c04757
  • [ux] minor dashboard aesthetics 9375d909
  • add openvpn config file download to ‘Downloads’ Menu if installed per user 9c0baa3a
  • [enhancement] better approximation of bandwidth chart values 1992369c
  • [fix] addressed issue with disk percentage calculations on certain environments 56163af6
    + special thanks to @sadpanda for granting access to a machine to troubleshoot and find a fix for this

QuickBox/quickbox-packages version 2.4.5

  • New method for determining IFACE, more OpenVZ-friendly d539c3b5
  • Remove outdated and refactored QBPM d0c171dd
  • Introducing box – QBPM just got better! d4e0a24b
  • updated installer packages for cleaner and quieter execution 6e29dd38

###What is box?

Building off of our CLI based updater, there have been a few tweaks to make installing and/or removing multiple applications at once a total breeze. Additionally, the new QBPM (QuickBox Package Management) codenamed: BOX now supports updating/upgrading your QuickBox. It’s truly an all-in-one management utility for those of us who prefer rolling in ssh.

If you prefer to still use the GUI aspect of the installer you can call box without any arguments.
box -h will show you a help screen.


# box -h
Usage: box [ install | remove | list | update ] pkg

Note: Only install and remove functions accept package arguments. List
   and update must be run without modifiers

install        The install function requires at least one package
               name as an argument but will accept multiples

               Example: box install quassel syncthing znc

remove         The remove function requires at least one package
               name as an argument but will accept multiples

               Example: box remove quassel syncthing znc

update         The update command will update your local QuickBox
               repository to the latest version

list           The list command will list packages available to be
               managed by box

QuickBox/quickbox-rutorrent version 2.4.5

  • No Changes

QuickBox/quickbox_rutorrent-plugins version 2.4.5

  • .gitignore added - ignore plugins conf.php 88355fa9
  • update rutorrent plugins to latest novik/master (fix utf8 encodings) c3c0c5c4

QuickBox/quickbox-setup version 2.4.5

  • added newer archived source of plex 2c561819
  • [enhancement] new aliases for added for easy disk widget fixes/updates cbcd144f
    + fix-disk_widget_home - easily copy over updated/default disk widget from local repository to your dashboard, home mounted installs only
  • [fix] 10g function defaults addressed 042d1a6a
  • quickVPN added to sudoers allowed aliases 70f3c926
  • Remove old cron function from running 23ed699a
  • New method for determining IFACE, more OpenVZ-friendly a1aee6ca
  • [enhancement] ffmpeg on script install now includes x265 libraries on build 5ea7358f
  • 10G inclusion and deluge password changing improved 9ec8b7ae
  • [enhancement] 10G function added to setup script 886d3ff5
  • allow install_ffmpeg to be fired as system command 79a62e8a

##CHANGELOG v2.4.6:
Changelog updated Saturday, August 21, 2016

###General adjustments & additions

  • Version Bump set to 2.4.6
  • Below we will outline the changes that have brought us from 2.4.0 to the current stable 2.4.4

###Commit Histories by Submodule v2.4.6

####QuickBox/quickbox_dashboard version 2.4.6

  • [fix] deluge & rutorrent panel links 633446c2
  • [enhancement] nextcloud is here! 13c75b70
  • [fix] set a minimum of ‘0’ on bandwidth chart to avoid negative values 66e4f0aa
  • danish language file updated with new values 346d1f81
  • [ux] a more lean and accurate cpu widget c6d50168
  • update on language files 152c268b
  • [fix] removed characters causing breakage on language files 66264062

####QuickBox/quickbox-packages version 2.4.6

  • Further refine IFACE detection X2 f607391b & 6e42136f
  • [security] Remove php execution for existing users on update 1d74f999
  • [fix] Spinner causes breakage on interactive scripts 888be134
  • cleanup on system installer packages a0f12fc1
  • [enhancement] nextcloud is here! 7c93e13c
  • [fix] update the csf archive download link to their new release location e9074ce6
  • Upgrade box to newest version 520b1893
  • remove old .startup remnants on sonarr package 35e44e5d
  • restart apache after openvpn installation a498feca
  • remove organize user home directory function c84b2186
  • [security] require a valid user to access vpn configs a421c585
  • [enhancement] vpn management now included - type: quickVPN c5dbf75a

####QuickBox/quickbox-rutorrent version 2.4.6

  • updated gitignore - overlook conf and share directories 69aa9c50
  • update rutorrent to latest novik/master 14d8951a

####QuickBox/quickbox_rutorrent-plugins version 2.4.6

  • No Changes

####QuickBox/quickbox-setup version 2.4.6

  • Further refine IFACE detection 96553245
  • minor typo fix d634ec68
  • Version bump deluge libtorrent to 1.1.1 5a16e32b
  • [enhancement] Expand upgradeDeluge to allow upgrading libtorrent and deluge through recompiling 325018ec
  • [security] Disallow php execution from rtorrent/deluge apache servers X2 3892b6d7 & 6d3df8d8
  • Remove deprecated webconsle code from changeUserpass 3df0ef7c
  • Make /install dir if 10g=yes 9bf4f74e
  • Apache doesn’t need sudo pkill or sudo killall anymore d88ea63b
  • Better fixhome command b085d804
  • Setup now checks if a grsec kernel is present and fails if the user declines to upgrade 2b27087c

##CHANGELOG v2.4.7:
Changelog updated Sunday, August 28, 2016

General adjustments & additions

  • Version Bump set to 2.4.7
  • SABnzbd - much requested and now officially supported!
  • pyLoad - it has been lurking in the shadows and waiting for the include, well… here it is!
  • Subsonic - music fans rejoice, Subsonic is now supported in the QuickBox Eco-System
  • Numerous fixes have been introduced
  • Default OVH Kernel’s are now automagically updated on QuickBox install (option presents)
  • Deluge package installer hiccups have been burped
  • There were some typos :blush:
  • PlexRequests.NET resets are no more (mono dependencies addressed)
  • upgradePlex will now update both Plex Free and PlexPass users
  • Several enhancements to make your QuickBox experience every bit of stellar (see below)

Commit Histories by Submodule v2.4.7

QuickBox/quickbox_dashboard version 2.4.7

  • Added translations for pyLoad, SABnzbd & Subsonic + Minor changes (lang_fr) 96eb4862
  • core config for service toggles and processing updated 7031cc4a
  • create dashboard toggles and service status for new applications 71a0b2a9
  • include new packages within the data array f2dee90e
  • add modal calls to new packages and applications to panel.scripts 45980fd6
  • [ux] reorganize and add new menu items 6aa0ba45
  • pyLoad, SABnzbd and Subsonic are not included in the menu
  • reorganize ajax for cpu and bandwidth charts (tidyness) 91ad9d6c
  • [fix] we now utilize box upgrade to update from the dashboard as well 2107321c
  • language files updated with new package variables 2b7f43f7
  • sabnzbd brand icon added d73949d6
  • pyload brand icon added 25a8acaa
  • removing useless files in preparation for v2.4.7 update b8de5709
  • merged updated lang_de from @cinory 5b8b9ded
  • adding subsonic brand icon :wink: 7543add8
  • [fix] merged minor corrections on lang_fr from @tomcdj71 c96fd892
  • merged updated lang_fr from @tomcdj71 aa9005b1
  • Update lang_dk with new strings :slight_smile: 1e26b672
  • language files updated with new values for translation 17a366f7
  • additional language strings added on alert modals/popups 5e81e904

QuickBox/quickbox-packages version 2.4.7

  • copy local repo bash profile to system and source on update 149288eb
  • setup subsonic uninstaller package 4374c223
  • setup sabnzbd uninstaller package 82297ea4
  • create pyload package uninstaller 5ebabd4e
  • setup subsonic install package bcc1ffb3
  • Sabnzbd scripts 7e11fe52
  • Special thanks to @kc1 for supplying these
  • thanks for pointing that out @eclipse

QuickBox/quickbox-rutorrent version 2.4.7

Note: RUTorrent changes are sourced from their original GitHub repo provided by it’s maintainer

QuickBox/quickbox_rutorrent-plugins version 2.4.7

  • update _task plugin to match Novik fixes 5ff0c6e2
  • remove duplicate out-dated theme 53c7b585
  • QuickBox-Dark is the parent to club-Swizards, which is the current and developed/maintained theme

QuickBox/quickbox-setup version 2.4.7

  • added pyload, sabnzbd and subsonic to sudoers allowed list 4e4519b1
  • setup subsonic sysd template cd149da4
  • use subsonic.sh template and import to installer 3dc27726
  • [enhancement] add bash profile template as some providers may not have them implemented on OS build bfbc1eff
  • created pyload functions for setup and upgrade c7964d43
  • improved the fixhome alias function d8bb1e84
  • fixhome now wants to know specific user of interest
  • [fix] prompt_OFF was not resetting to default system prompt c958f6bb
  • [enhancement] better aesthetic on QuickBox bash greeting 49e05238
  • removed deprecated .startup functions 6b150850
  • enable proxy_fci module and php7.0-fpm conf on initial install 7a580fa3
  • [enhancement] setup custom bash profile for sourcing on install dc665f9e
  • [enhancement] compile x265 libraries with ffmpeg on initial install 89614f97
  • [fix] remove club-Swizards github clone - clone from lab.quickbox.io 1f591d45
  • Converted to latest .rtorrent.rc syntax. Added “network.tos.set = throughput”. 7b4dd4bb
  • added utf-8 enconding to rtorrent.rc template d08a280b
  • added utf-8 encoding to vsftpd config a051465b
  • Small fixes to checkkernel + run function 677826f8
  • Update grsec function for correctness 4b29077b
  • tidy up unused functions and lines f9481562
  • [enhancement] smarter upgradePlex command - now updates PlexPass users 8e234bf8

##CHANGELOG v2.4.8:
Changelog updated Monday, October 24, 2016

General adjustments & additions

  • Version Bump set to 2.4.8
  • Emby - much requested Plex alternative and now officially supported!
  • Custom Menu - thou shalt not overwrite my custom links
  • Custom URL Override - using your own custom proxy configs for your favorite application? No problem, we got you covered now!
  • Numerous fixes have been introduced
  • QuickBox now proxies around 90% of it’s supported applications for sexxy urls.
  • Added fix to some package installers to ensure proper install
  • There were some typos :blush:
  • Several enhancements to make your QuickBox experience every bit of stellar (see below)

Commit Histories by Submodule v2.4.8

QuickBox/quickbox_dashboard version 2.4.8

QuickBox/quickbox-packages version 2.4.8

QuickBox/quickbox-rutorrent version 2.4.8

Note: RUTorrent changes are sourced from their original GitHub repo provided by it’s maintainer

  • Compare changes from v2.4.7 to v2.4.8 [COMPARE +0 commits]

QuickBox/quickbox_rutorrent-plugins version 2.4.8

QuickBox/quickbox-setup version 2.4.8