Again, the auth issues are basic apache design due to the nature of how we have the QuickBox dashboard setup. The dashboard itself relies on hooks from ruTorrent to gather some of it’s more basic functions, thus, having it set within ruTorrent is the best aproach to this… a side-effect is the double requests for auth (only on the dashboard)
There is currently no present timeline on fixing the auth issues as there are a couple of other priorities taking place at the moment… and you pretty much nailed them both.
- Fix /home primary installs - option etc.
- API for easy upgrades.
In regards to upgrading. This is going to be using an API per latest/release within the GitHub repo. The API call is already built into the dashboard, it just is not enabled yet… not until I am certain it passes without borking installations.
Here’s the tidbit for review:
++ This is located within the /srv/rutorrent/home/inc/panel.header.php
var gitHubPath = 'Swizards/QuickBox'; // quickbox repo
var url = '' + gitHubPath + '/tags';
$.get(url).done(function (data) {
var versions = data.sort(function (v1, v2) {
The goal is to make it as simple as a notice appearing on the dashboard (only seen by the master account) informing the user there is an update available. You then simply click a button to run the update. It will be similar to the notice that pops up on the entry page towards the bottom.