is it possible to have a log file for rtorrent?? or how to enable it?? or where can I find it?
is it possible to have a log file for rtorrent?? or how to enable it?? or where can I find it?
logging is a parameter set in .rtorrent.rc if you look in your .rtorrent.rc and are missing the below try add it in and restart rtorrent then check to see if the log is working to the directory defined below
log.open_file = "rtorrent", /var/log/rtorrent.log
log.open_file = "tracker", ~/log/tracker.log
log.open_file = "storage", ~/log/storage.log
log.add_output = "info", "rtorrent"
log.add_output = "critical", "rtorrent"
log.add_output = "error", "rtorrent"
log.add_output = "warn", "rtorrent"
log.add_output = "notice", "rtorrent"
log.add_output = "debug", "rtorrent"
log.add_output = "dht_debug", "tracker"
log.add_output = "tracker_debug", "tracker"
log.add_output = "storage_debug", "storage"
Sorry for the delay,
thanks, works perfectly!
When I add these lines, rtorrent won’t start. Any idea why?
Probably because you don’t have “/var/log/” folder. For example, I created a specific folder for rtorrent logs in my home > /home/MYNAME/logs/ . Then you need to set correct permission and owner; If I rememeber correctly I added 766 for permission and owner is your quickbox username.
Another thing: don’t know why, but sometimes “.rtorrent.rc” file doesn’t recognize “~” symbol. So I suggest to write the folder in extended version -----> /home/USERNAME/log instead of ~/log
P.s.: sorry for my english
Awesome, that was it! Wrote out full directory for logs, in my home folder. All working now.