Raspberry pi install

i dont have reboot the pi

well bad news jmsolo tchoot here the script being buggy or git being a pain i dont know here is the error
Cloning into ā€˜setupā€™ā€¦
remote: Counting objects: 1576, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (767/767), done.
remote: Total 1576 (delta 795), reused 1560 (delta 779), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (1576/1576), 9.13 MiB | 2.07 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (795/795), done.
Checking connectivityā€¦ done.
Submodule path ā€˜setupā€™: checked out 'b6bf18e71504b08809f4a207289f8afca59b59d0ā€™
Unable to checkout ā€˜32276efb481ec7c021cabde8b1d519dda69f5999ā€™ in submodule path ā€˜dashboardā€™

Yeah, we are ruling out no support on RPi. I am completely OK with this. It seems there are too many dependencies that require x64 architecture and ARM just isnā€™t going to cut it. We would have to re-write all the dependencies for various services in an if/else specifically for RPiā€¦ since I am not really a fan of it and time doesnā€™t permitā€¦ I am having to wipe this off the dry-board.

Alsoā€¦ Hey there :sunglasses:

good to see you and yup i see your point

@tchoot are you trying to report a bug?
you posted on rasp pi install post which are completely different than bugs,
@JMSolo will be able to look into whatā€™s going on here

this also could be considered support

Thatā€™s a good questionā€¦ I figured this was an RPi report.

that issue game during an install

On RPiā€¦ or a regular server install?

rpi going to test now on a vm at my house

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AH, okā€¦ thatā€™s what I thought. Yeahā€¦ I am going to remove Raspberry from the script as supportedā€¦ then it will just exit out. Thanks for reminding me.

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ill let you know if it still appears

Thanks, it really shouldnā€™t appear on an actual server as itā€™s been installed about 30 times today.