Amazon Cloud Drive

So…lets circle back to the mount.

I can’t seem to get mine off of read-only. It won’t let me write to it.

I started poking around the bugs and I came across this:

I’m wondering if uploads might need to be done via rclone but the mount needs to be acd_cli. I hate that idea because acd_cli has always been unreliable for me.

I don’t mean to throw you off topic but with all of your experience with rclone do you think the following scenario is possible?

I’d like to do all of my downloading and uploading remotely which includes the encryption on rclones end. Could I somehow mount that encrypted drive at my home server as well? This would solve my issue of really only needing a service to download and upload to cloud storage for me, my home server is more than capable of doing the streaming.

I wish we lived in a world where everyone had excellent internet…

yes, you can mount the encrypted cloud drive on multiple computers.

You can create the rclone conf on windows and move it to linux, create it on linux and move it to windows, etc.
I did see on github someone wrote a gui wrapper for windows.

The encryption information is stored in the conf file.

I even gave @dtech_banned my config file so he could mess with acd and google drive. I have nothing personal on there. Sure you can see my collection of Barbie movies…go for it.

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That’s great news. So, just out of curiosity, why don’t you pursue something like that? Seems like it would be far cheaper in the long term to have your own device for the streaming and you’d save money by having a cheap box for simply downloading and uploading.

I have a beast of a local media server(20 core Xeon E5 v4, 128GBs of ram, etc) and a full 42U rack of networking gear.

I dont do it that way because I have multiple people using my plex outside of the home. Family, Friends, etc. I dont want them all hitting my home connection where I’m limited in upload speed and traffic. I suppose I could mount the acd locally and link it into the internal plex for my own use but I would still need to run the one on the server for the extended ‘family’.

I might try your method because then it would allow me to have only a single plex at home with a combined inventory . I hate how plex can’t combine multiple servers into one seamless library. I want to find X show…let me try this server, nope…it must be on the other one.

That’s a really valid point. I didn’t think about the hit you’d take to your own bandwidth streaming because I just use it for my wife and I. I think I’m gonna try to set it up using my home server as the streamer, just need to find a decent ‘seedbox’ that will allow me to mount FUSE mounts. I saw some of those bytesized appboxs and might give that a shot.

you could get a ovh vps to play with.

I ended up with the unmetered appbox from bytesized hosting. I’m getting rclone setup and have everything working so far. Just trying to determine if I can have rclone auto delete files from the local filesystem after they’ve been uploaded to ACD. I know you can do it with move but I’m unsure if the mounted options work in the same way.

I wonder if this is possible to use both acd_cli and rclone, as acd allows mount as a folder and rclone has better performance idk guess i will have to play with them more.

uploading via rclone and using the acd_cli for the mount is fine however the encryption is not compatible between the two. acd_cli probably is using encfs while rclone is using its built in encryption.

If you run it without encryption then it’d work.

Haha, there’s always a wrench isn’t there. “Well you could fix X but then Y wouldn’t quite work”

i found you can write to it if your using copy in the gui like as in using x2go… kinda stupid doing it that way though. but it works for the mount.

Also to anyone playing around please note

when doing crypt for rclone you need to use the main remote and add a directory inside it and use that so it looks like this
when going though the steps ps Password is useless to anyone but me XD cuz it only shows half

if you fail you might just be making local copies and wondering wtf is going on thinking your a stupid guy for breaking something so simple… well not really simple but still.

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Just an update for anyone whose interested.

I went ahead and got a server through Hetzner’s auctions with the following specs:

Intel Core i7-3770
2x HDD 3,0 TB SATA
2x RAM 8192 MB DDR3

Honestly probably more than I need since I’ll be doing most of the streaming from my own machine at home, although I did setup Plex on the remote server to test out so we’ll see how that goes.

Right now I’m using rclone + encfs which is redudant, I know but originally I wanted to try using acd_cli and it simply didn’t work. It was having serious syncing issues and I had to remount it constantly in order for anything to show up on Plex (or anywhere else).

I’m also using UnionFS and experimenting with automating my workflow. Since my local content and my content stored on ACD show up as one folder for Plex I’ve just been using rclone to copy it from the local folder over to ACD.

In theory I should be able to set a crontab to nightly (say 1 am) copy from local to ACD then delete local and Plex wouldn’t be wise to anything going on. The only issue is managing not to delete any new content that was added after rclones copy process began. If I can figure that out I think I’ll be set.

I might also just ditch encfs and use rclones encryption, but I’m not positive everything would work the same way.

Use the rclone move command. It will ensure the files are moved up to ACD before it removes them locally. The only thing it will not do is remove the local directories. It leaves those. This will remove any empty directories:

# remove empty directories
find /home/user/torrents/rtorrent/complete/Movies/* -empty -type d -delete
find /home/user/torrents/rtorrent/complete/"TV Shows"/* -empty -type d -delete
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Oh my goodness… You know… I knew about the move command and I know what it does but it didn’t even register until I read your sentence and now I feel like a massive idiot. I’ll blame my recent lack of good sleep on that one. I also think I’m going to switch over to using rclone’s encryption. Just based on what I’ve done so far encfs seems to bottleneck my uploads.

E: Hopefully I’ll be able to integrate UnionFS with rclone’s encryption.

This has to be the most popular topic ever here.

I had Amazon lock my account yesterday. There was no note why it was locked so they unlocked it when I called into support on it. It could be the fact that I’ve had concurrent connections to it from multiple locations, the fact that I gave it to @dtech_banned to play with or the fact that I have many TBs of unencrypted media up there…no real clue.
Anyway, I changed all my passwords to it, rclone and generated a new oauth for acd_cli and am syncing up about a TB to google drive and then will probably work on encrypting the media again. I was hoping Plex Cloud would be here soon but it doesnt look to be in the cards right now.

I got errors on the rclone log about the account being locked and this when I went to the web interface:

Well that’s mildly concerning, hopefully you’re right about why it happened. Wish they would have told you.

most likely it was not even something they did it was most likely automated lock due to multi location logging in at one time and or around that. it’s good to implement that on most thing’s and understandable. but just encase i would not leave unecrypted things laying around if you dont want that risk

Hello everybody,
First post so be gentle. I’ve been using QuickBox for 2 months now, learning, scripting, reading, lurking this awesome forum and community, and never had the opportunity to actually participate, or to thank you. So thank you all for a great support (even if you didn’t even know you were helping me, even the ones seeking help, I learned a lot from you guys) and for being a great community.

I curiously wonder what use do you still have for acd-_cli?