Amazon Cloud Drive

I always thought that would over complicate my setup. my ‘people’ can wait til the media is uploaded to acd before watching it. If they are so impatient then they can make their own. :slight_smile:

I suppose its totally possible. I would probably use overlayfs as its built into the kernel. It’s just never been something I wanted to do.

I’ve used mergerfs for my snapraid arrays… it works very well. Not sure you can define read only or read/write to the different merged folders though. That would be critical.

This actually makes sense… now to just figure out why when I attempt to mount the eacd: I just get a bunch of ncw/rclone text vomit and nothing mounts.


A lot of derp happening. I realized I was attempting to encrypt a non-encrypted directory in ACD. Digging through the docs reveal that a new empty (for encryption) directory must be created and mounted.

I’m going to convert your knowledge here into a wiki here in the next few days @RXWatcher. I appreciate all the effort you have put into expressing this. Not to mention, after coming off using acd_cli for quite some time… rclone is ten times more practical, efficient and speedier.

I’m going to rough out a wiki article just to give me a place to upload some scripts. Feel free to do with it what you want. Eventually I’d really like you guys to come up with a way to roll it into QB. I think it would make you QB even more popular than it already is :slight_smile:


This is exactly why I am grinding into both acd_cli and rclone. Thanks to you, it looks like rclone will be implemented in QuickBox. Probably within the next couple of releases, with v2.4.8 coming out this next weekend. I’d say it’s quite possible by v2.5.0 we’ll see rclone implemented.


This is excellent news!

@RXWatcher, do you have an entry in your QuickBox user’s crontab to mount ‘eacd:’ at boot? I’ve been trying to get this working to no avail. Always have to manually run the command to mount it.

I think I need to edit the mount script to account for the --dir-cache-time= option. I didnt write the script…someone in a rclone bug report did.

save the attached rclonemount.txt as /usr/bin/rclonemount and chown it to root:root with a chmod +x
rclonemount.txt (1.8 KB)

edit fstab and add a line like:
rclonemount#aberg83#eacd: /home/aberg83/cloud/acd/encrypted fuse _netdev,allow-other,no-modtime,dir-cache-time=2m,defaults 0 0

It will now mount on reboot.

Getting this error:

/usr/bin/rclonemount: 17: shift: Illegal number: mountpoint=aberg#acd_crypt:Media

can you post your fstab entry?

it’s rclonemount#my_user_that_I_want_to_mount_as#remote_name:(including colon) /my/mount/path fuse mount_option.

rclonemount#aberg#acd_crypt:Media /home/aberg/Media fuse _netdev,allow-other,no-modtime,dir-cache-time=2m,defaults 0 0

try removing Media on both the rclone line and the mount point. Have it mount the remote as is and point plex into that mount/Media directory.

Yeah, I had success with something like this:

rclonemount#aberg#acd_crypt:/ /home/aberg fuse _netdev,allow-other,no-modtime,dir-cache-time=2m,defaults 0 0

No luck guys. Not sure why it isn’t working.

I think you’re going to have to look at the rclonemount script. For some reason it’s not advancing through your first section properly.


Illegal number: mountpoint=aberg#acd_crypt:Media

so it’s not parsing that rclonemount#aberg# section properly and thinks “aberg#acd_crypt:Media” is the mount point.

I put in some echos are the end to help me figure out my fstab line. You might want to uncomment those and see where the issue is.

The script is from here:

Hey @RXWatcher, have you seen CPU spikes to 100% for several hours straight during the rclone upload? I’ve moved roughly 1.5TB over the past 18 hours and the entre time I am seeing 100% cpu usage with average loads at 13.81 13.92 13.99 13/567.

This is on an i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz [x8 thread]. Having a hard time finding info on this. Not sure if it’s how Go is handling the SSL bits, or if rclone is really just that much of a hog.

Doesn’t help that I somehow missed the fact that I had about a dozen rclone processes running :dizzy_face:

Got it working now using the script from the link you posted.

huh…I wonder what I did differently. I know I had to edit the script to get it working on my end. I make note of that in that link.

lol…is it better now? I haven’t see it impact the box that much. I can manually run it and see what its looking like. I have a cronjob that kicks off an upload every 30 min.

I’m becoming too lazy to remove my name from my userpath…tough…my name is jim…deal.

*/30 * * * * /home/jim/bin/

flock -xn /home/jim/bin/locks/upload.lck -c "/home/jim/bin/"

upload(rclone does not remove source directories so I have the cleanup at the end)

/home/jim/bin/rclone move --transfers=2 /home/jim/torrents/rtorrent/complete/Movies/ acd:media/Movies -v
/home/jim/bin/rclone move --transfers=2 /home/jim/torrents/rtorrent/complete/"TV Shows"/ acd:media/"TV Shows" -v
find /home/jim/torrents/rtorrent/complete/Movies/* -empty -type d -delete
find /home/jim/torrents/rtorrent/complete/"TV Shows"/* -empty -type d -delete

I have a Xeon E5-1620 v2 with it’s CPU set to not throttle down.

and by the way…I’ve been drinking…frickin cisco ios…why can’t it be linux instead of it’s own crap terminal.

Yeah, I killed all the miscellaneous processes that were taking CPU just idling. In my frenzy to test as much as possible as quickly as possible, I overstepped and wasn’t killing them after starting them. So I literally had a dozen or so rclone processes running. I didn’t really analyze anything outside of today’s version bump and testing rclone so the load got away from me there :confused: .

I, like you have decided to (made the step today) run this in an executable as an hourly cron… just stashed in cron.hourly. I have all the mounts and copy/move set as aliases within the .bashrc

alias mount-acd='rclone mount acd: /home/quickbox/cloud/acd/encrypted --allow-other --no-modtime --dir-cache-time=2m &'
alias mount-eacd='rclone mount eacd:/ /home/quickbox/cloud/acd/encrypted --allow-other --no-modtime --dir-cache-time=2m &'
alias copy-movies='rclone copy /home/quickbox/local-sorted/Movies/ eacd:Movies/'
alias copy-tv='rclone copy /home/quickbox/local-sorted/TV/ eacd:TV/'
