lol…is it better now? I haven’t see it impact the box that much. I can manually run it and see what its looking like. I have a cronjob that kicks off an upload every 30 min.
I’m becoming too lazy to remove my name from my userpath…tough…my name is jim…deal.
*/30 * * * * /home/jim/bin/
flock -xn /home/jim/bin/locks/upload.lck -c "/home/jim/bin/"
upload(rclone does not remove source directories so I have the cleanup at the end)
/home/jim/bin/rclone move --transfers=2 /home/jim/torrents/rtorrent/complete/Movies/ acd:media/Movies -v
/home/jim/bin/rclone move --transfers=2 /home/jim/torrents/rtorrent/complete/"TV Shows"/ acd:media/"TV Shows" -v
find /home/jim/torrents/rtorrent/complete/Movies/* -empty -type d -delete
find /home/jim/torrents/rtorrent/complete/"TV Shows"/* -empty -type d -delete
I have a Xeon E5-1620 v2 with it’s CPU set to not throttle down.
and by the way…I’ve been drinking…frickin cisco ios…why can’t it be linux instead of it’s own crap terminal.