Widget/rutorrent for first user displaying incorrent/other quotas?

I’ll try and explain.

I’m facing an issue where the quota in widget and in rutorrent does not display correctly in my scenario. It only seems to be affect the first user I create (excluding master).

Basically what I do rsync a load of data across to server. Create users in Quickbox, move data to appropriate folders and the chown so they take ownership. This all seems to work fine except for first user “box1”. It’s still showing incorrect values in widget and rutorrent.

The quota displays as normal when using repquota -a -s.

But in rutorrent the quota does not display and in the widget it shows…

It looks to me that the widget and rutorrent are also incorporating some previous deleted users quota. For example I created a box3 with 600GB quota but then deleted and created again for a separate reason. I have also removed two other 500GB slots. These three quota’s seem to be added onto the widget and also may be affecting rutorrent quota display?

There seems to be some ghost quota in list. Usually on previous servers with Webmin installed I would change the quota to 1kb and it would erase the ghost quota. How do I do that on QB or fix the issue?

Edit: I’ve used the find /home -user command to find any files still associated with the users but there is none. All previous files are deleted or chown to new users.

I’ve tried resetting quotas for all users, fixing home, chowing all users as well as
quotaoff -a
service quota stop
mount -o remount /home
quotacheck -auMF vfsv1
quotaon -uv /home
service quota start

But just can’t seem to fix the users quota issue with the widget/rutorrent for first user account :frowning: