When installed picked /home/ but would like to change to /?

Limit has been updated. I am going to address that now globally as that limit is too low.


I get a parse error on remounting /mnt, Iā€™m guessing thereā€™s a syntax issue for the " usrquota "? Was googling a bit for solutions but Iā€™m unfamiliar with quotas.

Alternately, how would I go about removing quotas altogether, so this becomes a non-issue for me?

well this script is kinda built upon quota with multi-user being the key featureā€¦ idk how one would remove it

Ok Iā€™m embarassed to admit thereā€™s a bit of pebkac in play here.

Turns out the torrent I was adding was something already present, just saved to a different path a while ago. I added something newer and sure enough it added just fine, and is downloading.

I have in the meantime disabled both of the diskspace plugins, as while the quota stuff is being misread or misreported, itā€™s also obviously not preventing me from downloading.

I will continue to work with you guys towards getting the quota stuff working though, as as you pointed out itā€™s a major feature of the script/platform and likely to cause problems down the road with updates if Iā€™ve strayed too far from a normal install.

Thatā€™s a tough one. If you ever run the installer script to ugprade your install again, this will have to be redone.

sudo apt remove quota
sudo nano /etc/fstab

Remove the line in this file for your partition ā€œusrquotaā€. Also in your per user ruTorrent configurations (/srv/rutorrent/conf/users/${username}/config.php) comment out the last two lines of the file like so:

$diskuser = "/";
$quotaUser = "liara";


//$diskuser = "/";
//$quotaUser = "liara";
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Cool thanks. Iā€™ll bear that in mind, but as I said iā€™ll stick with quotas for the time being as they were not infact causing me to be unable to download.

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This could be due to 2 thingsā€¦

  1. NFS mount is an IP range and not a device
  2. nfs in the /mnt string needs the vers=3 to follow nfs and not remount-ro

So, you could try this on:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
/dev/mapper/venamis--vg-root / ext4 defaults 0 1

# /boot was on /dev/sda1 during installation
UUID=5ab248e2-a676-4626-a5c7-1369c2af1553 /boot ext2 defaults 0 2
/dev/mapper/venamis--vg-swap_1 none swap sw 0 0
/dev/sr0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 /mnt nfs vers=3 usrquota,errors=remount-ro 0 0

Then try the whole shenanigans with setting the quota mount.

Unfortunately no change when moving usrquota to after vers=3

Is it throwing the error when you attempt quotaon -uv /mnt

ā€¦and it may be more appropriate to do /mnt nfs usrquota,errors=remount-ro,vers=3 0 0

That fstab line worked, was able to mount -a and no errors.

That said, I am indeed getting an error with quotaon.

quotaon: Mountpoint (or device) /mnt not found or has no quota enabled.[/quote]

Well, that is goodā€¦ now that fstab is properā€¦ you should be able to build the mount :slight_smile:

quotaoff -a
service quota stop
mount -o remount /mnt
quotacheck -auMF vfsv1
quotaon -uv /mnt
service quota start

Let me know if an error rears itā€™s ugly mug.

same Mountpoint error when I run that command, not found or no quota enabled.

And the same with this option?

mount -o remount /mnt || mount -o remount /home

That makes senseā€¦ really a shot in the dark.

I am going to keep digging at this as I can have it returned properly without errorā€¦ but I am only using a tmp /mnt directory for testing.

quickbox:~# quotaoff -a
quickbox:~# service quota stop
quickbox:~# mount -o remount /mnt
quickbox:~# quotacheck -auMF vfsv1
quickbox:~# quotaon -uv /mnt
/dev/sda1 [/mnt]: user quotas turned on
quickbox:~# service quota start

The big difference is I am also using it based on a device installed on the physical system. Is quota enabled on the other end of this?

No itā€™s not. I havenā€™t really done much work with quota in the past, so admittedly this is a learning experience for me.

If you have some suggestions or a link handy on setting up quota on the nfs host, Iā€™d gladly take a poke at it :slight_smile:

Console to your host and do apt-get install quota ā€“ if you can. Iā€™ll peruse for some handy tutorialsā€¦ I will say that I admittedly am not all that strong with NFS setups either.

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FYI, a fresh install seemed to solve most of my assorted mystery issues from yesterday.

Ports reporting as unblocked, traffic not stopping suddenly and without reason, space being reported properly, etc.


Thatā€™s fantastic news! Thanks for the refresher and update.