Hi, juste want to let you know, i did 3 pull on github yesterday.
I just wanted to tell people on the forum because they maybe don’t know about github.
So the first bug i saw is that the VPN port is wrong in the user config (USERNAME.ovpn) when the user decide to choose the port instead of the one generated.
If you installed quickVPN and you’ve chosen a custom port, juste go to /home/USERNAME/public_html/, unzip the file named USERNAME.zip, remove it. Type nano /home/USERNAME/public_html/root/USERNAME.ovpn
, on the remote
line, juste put you choosen port.
Then you can zip the root folder !
The second bug is that there is a problem on French translation. There is an apostrophe on emby package description without escape char wich cause a white page on dashboard.
If you experienced it, do this:
nano /srv/rutorrent/home/lang/lang_fr
then do ctrl+w and type ‘emby’ to find the line. At the end of this line, you should have this
[...] target="_blank">plein d'autres</a>).';
Just add a ‘’ (without quote) before the apostrophe
[...] target="_blank">plein d\'autres</a>).';
No need to reload apache, just refresh your browser tab.
The last bug I saw is a little bit more tricky.
I use a python script wich connect trought ftp to my seedbox.
When I use the NLST command (list directory), the script returned pasv timed out error.
I checked on Google and saw this error comes up because there is no port and no adress written on vsftp config file.
This issue can be resolve by adding 3 (or 4) lines on /etc/vsftpd.conf
pasv_min_port=10090 pasv_max_port=10100 pasv_address=<Hostname/IP> pasv_addr_resolve=<YES if pasv_adress is hostname/NO if pasv_adress is IP>
If you have question, don’t hesitate