VPN is connected but unable to browse the internet

After installing OpenVPN via quickVPN, the VPN connects but I’m unable to browse the internet. However, I’m able to open the internal IP 10.xx.xx.xx and it loads quickbox dashboard. I tried a couple of times to remove OpenVPN and reinstalled again but no luck.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Check the default gateway on the client side.
oldschool; route -n
nowadays: ip route show

Furthermore check the way the client tries to reach the internet;
traceroute quickbox.io


ip route show - shows something similar with or without vpn (not sure if this makes sense).

traceroute quickbox.io - doesn’t load anything (just * * *)

Adding, I’m not able to ping. For example, ping google.com - fails.

Have you changed the OpenVPN port during the install?

It assigns a random port number. Does this make a difference?

Please find the error log which I copied from openvpn,


Could it be you have a firewall active?

I have the VPN configured on port 443 as this bypasses my work its firewall setup. (443 is SSL required)

Yeah I tried 443 port but still facing the same issue :frowning: