Unrar issue after updating from dashboard

i just noticed some updates in the notification area so i though i press update.
but now i am getting an error when unrarring files

error is: /srv/rutorrent/share/users/admin/settings/tasks/147458981557e47477946f67.92796571/start.sh: 12: /srv/rutorrent/share/users/admin/settings/tasks/147458981557e47477946f67.92796571/start.sh: /srv/rutorrent/plugins/unpack/unrar_dir.sh: Permission denied

i checked permissions and also restored them with the command but all should work just fine
however, it doesnt.
unable to unrar anywhere, any folder in the admin account.

folders are all set to 775 and user and group as admin as is the user

well it seems after restarting rtorrent 4 times and hard refresh of the browser, i got it working again

also if you think permissions might be messed up you can run fixhome from a admin ssh

also if you think permissions might be messed up you can run fixhome from a admin ssh