Unable to SSH to server but can still access dashboard

I setup an ARK dedicated server using the following guides

First https://gameservermanagers.com/lgsm/arkserver/
Then http://arksurvivalevolved.gamewalkthrough-universe.com/dedicatedservers/linux/Default.aspx

After rebooting the server I was no longer able to SSH in. I kept getting prompted with invalid credentials

So I undid the changes outlined below using the hetzner rescue system

First edit the file /etc/sysctl.conf and change or add the following line:


Next you need to edit the file /etc/security/limits.conf and set the limits to the same value you used in the previous step. Change or add the following lines as necessary:

  • soft nofile 100000
  • hard nofile 100000

I also attempted to change the password for the primary user while logged in to the rescue system. The password seems to have change successfully but I’m still able to log in to the quickbox dashboard using the old password. Also unable to access quickbox web console .

Any help is appreciated as always.

I would personally wipe your server and start over. Who knows what those scripts did to your system.

I would suggest reading through them to understand the changes they make to the system. I dont think setting filemax and limits.conf would impact the ssh or security. It’s probably something else in the scripts.

Docker might be a good choice here because bringing up a docker container of your game server won’t impact quickbox.


Thanks, I ended up nuking my install. But did figure out what happened after the fact and I figured it would be best if my mistake were documented.

During the initial arkserver setup,I actually changed the password for my main user account instead of the arkserver account