Unable to connect to Deluge


I have a Quickbox on a dedicated server since 3 weeks with NextCloud ans Plex. It worked very fine.

Yesterday, i installed CSF Firewall (for more security) and I could not access to Deluge. I thank it was CSF, so I uninstalled it. But I always can’t access to Deluge.
I uninstalled and reinstalled Deluge but the problem is always here.

Can you help me please ?

Best regards, FD.

Hello @Neibaf,

Does the Deluge service for your user is running ?
Do you have the correct Apache2 configuration file for Deluge in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled ?

You can see every files related to Deluge here : https://github.com/QuickBox/QB/search?utf8=✓&q=deluge&type=