It has been requested numerous times over and I have received several PMs additionally in regards to the inclusion of SickRage into the QuickBox Eco System.
SickRage as well as a few other packages will be included over the next week… not sure if these will be released within one version release or over the course of a couple… really just to maintain stability within the script and Dashboard.
If anyone would like to setup SickRage from our Bleeding Edge repo, then here is how:
Installer for SickRage
cd /usr/local/bin
dos2unix installpackage-sickrage
chmod +x installpackage-sickrage
Now install by typing:
Uninstaller for SickRage
dos2unix removepackage-sickrage
chmod +x removepackage-sickrage
Now you can uninstall by typing:
Check SickRage is running
Now check that SickRage is running by typing in ssh service sickrage status
. More than like you will see the following output:
[root@quickbox]:(969.2kb)~# service sickrage status
● sickrage.service - LSB: starts instance of SickRage
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/sickrage; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2016-05-26 12:27:22 CDT; 4min 45s ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
Process: 6723 ExecStop=/etc/init.d/sickrage stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 6801 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/sickrage start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Tasks: 13
Memory: 59.6M
CPU: 1.283s
CGroup: /system.slice/sickrage.service
└─6819 /usr/bin/python2.7 -q --daemon --nolaunch --pidfile=/var/run/sickrage/ --datadir=/home/quickbox/.sickrage/
May 26 12:27:21 quickbox systemd[1]: Starting LSB: starts instance of SickRage...
May 26 12:27:21 quickbox sickrage[6801]: Starting SickRage
May 26 12:27:22 quickbox systemd[1]: Started LSB: starts instance of SickRage.
What does it do though?
It installs SickRage in a way that future releases of QuickBox can understand and make use of. Not quite sure if this should be parsed as a multi-user friendly setup, or just keep it greedy for those of us administrating the server and/or playing host to our friends.
Places sickrage in the users (in this case the Master Account) /home directory.
Builds the required configurations and adds to upstart/systemd so you (the user) don’t have to juggle numerous commands and attempts to install.
Builds SickRage so it boots automagically on server reboot.
Heads Up!
Again, please remember that this is a bleeding edge release and as such, there is not currently a link to your SickRage install on the Dashboard, nor are there any Dashboard install/uninstall buttons. This will follow in an official release over the weekend.