Setting up Torrent download folders on a share

Ok so I installed Quickbox and fidured out how to install other programs. My problem is setting rutorrent, I want to have the files download to a samba share. I have access now from ubuntu to windows, I also have access from ubuntu to a nas device (linux based), but I can not access ubuntu to windows share. I am running ubuntu 16.4.3 and virtuabox. Virtualbox is loaded onto the windows share. When I installed quickbox it broke vbox guest additions and shared folders.

so you should not need samba to run Quickbox in most cases. as you can use ftp and sftp in windows mounting. that being said that way is eh not the most effective way but it does work.
as long as you set your VM network card to do a bridge to the NIC then you should be able to get its own ip to the VM which will allow you to connect through http and ssh as long as when you installed ubuntu server that you installed the openssh server so that you can use it. also learned you dont have to keep the vm running in the front you can run in background which is nice if you like it running all the time.

So I am trying to load ubuntu server from a virtualbox and have the things I download go to my windows drive. So I am having problems setting them up due to no access privledges.