SABnzbd showing red in service center

Hey there. Using Kimsufi KS1 server and had no issues with the install of QuickBox. I added SABnzbd through the Dashboard and it appears to be working just fine and is accessible, however for whatever reason the icon in my service control center is showing red next to sabnzbd line. I’ve tried restarting, refreshing, clearing cache, etc.

Any idea?

Can’t seem to duplicate this. What is the output of systemctl status sabnzbd@USERNAME

You could also try to do service memcached restart and see if that flushes any leftover server cache.

I have this issue as well. Here’s the output:

[aberg@QuickBox]:(0b)~$ systemctl status sabnzbd@aberg

  • [email protected] - sabnzbd
    Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/[email protected]; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
    Active: active (running) since Mon 2016-10-24 01:53:45 UTC; 16min ago
    Main PID: 21172 (screen)
    CGroup: /system.slice/system-sabnzbd.slice/[email protected]
    |-21172 /usr/bin/SCREEN -f -a -d -m -S sabnzbd python SABnzbd/ --browser 0 --server --https 65443
    `-21173 python SABnzbd/ --browser 0 --server --https 65443