i have been testing quickbox as a user i logged into ssh using the user and tried the reload command this is what i get
== Seedbox Shell ==
Welcome To Your QuickBox Seedbox Shell
Type ‘?’ to get the list of allowed commands
c#ch#eg#l:~$ reload
*** forbidden command: reload
also i have transferred over some torrents and some .session files using ssh
scp -rp -P 4747 /home/user/rtorrent/.session/* root@ip/home/user/.sessions/
scp -rp -P 4747 /home/userl/rtorrent/downloads/* root@ip:/home/user/torrents/
chown -R user:user /home/user/.sessions/*
chown -R user:user /home/user/torrents/*
usually when this is done and i restart rutorrent they should show in the rutorrent interface but they are not ime wondering if the reload services button is working as i cant use reload logged in as user in ssh how can i check this and is there a way to reload a user from root