ruTorrent plugins menu

Accidentally came across this when I clicked a plugin and it uninstalled by mistake.

I went to re-install the plugin by clicking on it and it shows in ‘system response’ it will install plugin and refresh page.

On refresh page, the plugin has not installed. I tested with two other random plugins and they uninstall fine but i can’t get them to reinstall again.

Love your work and any help greatly appreciated.
Ubuntu 16.04
script 2.3.0 <-- installed about 16hr ago
Disk Quota working after i ‘setdisk’

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Thanks for bringing this to my attention, it looks as if it is not pulling the plugins list from repo.

Try this:

cd /srv/rutorrent
git pull

This will pull in the rutorrent repo to your install… this will add back the deleted plugin.

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Thanks for the quick response.

although this was my output: -

/srv/rutorrent# git pull
Already up-to-date.

still saying they are uninstalled / can’t install.

It looks as though when i click uninstall, it deletes the plugin out of

/srv/rutorrent/(deleted plugin)

but it can’t put it back in there when i click install …

not sure if that is useful info.

That’s what I figured. Thanks for the info. I am going to send you an update here shortly. This needs a global fix, so I appreciate your report.

no worries, thanks so much for all your work.

Look forward to the fix.

I’ll build this into the script as soon time permits… in the meantime, try this out.

git clone quickbox_rutorrent-plugins
cd quickbox_rutorrent-plugins
cp -r /root/quickbox_rutorrent-plugins/. /srv/rutorrent/plugins
chown -R www-data:www-data /srv/rutorrent/plugins

cd /root/quickbox_packages/
git pull
cp -r /root/quickbox_packages/. /usr/local/bin/quickbox/
dos2unix $(find /usr/local/bin/quickbox -type f)
chmod +x $(find /usr/local/bin/quickbox -type f)
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Thanks for the fix JMSolo!

I tested to see if i can uninstall and reinstall and it works no problems.

After running your fix above, the service status said Rtorrent and iRSSi-Autodl where both disabled.

‘reload’ in console solved that from what i can tell.

Thanks again.