Rtorrent - insane slow upload speeds?

Dear QB.

I have your QB running - everything is running smooth, Plex… etc.

My server is at Hetzner - im located in EU. Server is i73930K with 64GB memory and 1GB up/down. The issue is that my server only seeds aprox 6-8 torrents each day - somehow it won’t reach above that. The last server I had was also at Hetzner - via Wicked servers who hosted it for me. At that time I had over 20-30 active seeding torrents uploading with good speeds.

I know that it depends on people leeching etc - but the torrents are the same, but nothing happens :frowning:

Are there settings im not aware of? I just did an installation via the dashboard.

Would really like some speed tuning if its possible.

Thanks :slight_smile:


Try doing a speed test and a disk I/O test.
Make sure that any post-installed firewall is allowing the tracker announce port

Hi Bate.

No firewall is installed on the box - only firewall from Hetzner. Ports are ok and opened.

Running 2 x 3TB in raid 0.

Any ideas?



ive never had any luck with speed on hetzner using rtorrent. i use deluge with ltconfig plugin set to high performance seed.

maybe someone has some magic settings to use that could point us both in the right direction :smiley:

Would be really nice :slight_smile: .

I had another server via Wicked servers ( uses Hetzner ) . Worked perfectly - but now my one via QB isnt that good :confused: .

Tried Deluge - dont like it since it dont support RSS plugin via web gui. U have to use a client which also need the Egg plugin . I need RSS feed for downloading to separate folders. U cant do that via normal install as I can see?

i dont use RSS at all, only autodl-irssi

I also have a Hetzner box. 2x3 TB in RAID 0, 1Gbit, 16GB RAM. Running Ubuntu 16.04.2 and latest QB.

I have 0 issues with seeding or getting good speeds. I’m an uploader for one of the larger HD sites and can ALWAYS max my connection on new uploads and get a great ratio. Using either Deluge or Rtorrent. (personal preference for quick ratio is deluge, long term rtorrent).

My QB install seeded at about 85% capacity out of box. I had it further tuned by Liza from Serverbabe.io and am now at what I consider 98%.

How many torrents do you have seeding total in rtorrent? The nature of torrents and peering is LOTS of variables. But I typically only have 10/300+ seeding at a time. I get good speeds when people grab them though. I’m guessing you both fundamentally understand torrenting though, so I won’t go into explain all the variables.