Rclone has stopped working with ACD - User claims Amazon told him it's banned now

From Reddit - what are our options now ? I have xTB of data I can’t access from plex now - what can I (and others like me ) do ? - helpful advice :slight_smile: please

reddit thread https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/6bv8a4/rclone_has_stopped_working_with_acd_user_claims/

well if you found a server large enough to store the content temp and then installed windows app for amazon on it then you should be able to copy the data to the hdd and use rclone to move it to gdrive.

Official post from dev: https://forum.rclone.org/t/rclone-has-been-banned-from-amazon-drive/2314

Post updated today. Looks like it could be some good news. Fingers crossed