Ratiocolor plugin

I was tweaking the ratiocolor plugin with the following code:
sed -i “s:changeWhat = “font”;:changeWhat = “cell-background”;:g” /srv//rutorrent/plugins/ratiocolor/init.js

It used to work perfectly but now if I go to rutorrent I get an error:
ip/js/jquery.js line 2 > eval : 5480] too much recursion (firefox)
ip/rutorrent/ : 5479] Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded (chrome)

I tried reinstalling the plugin but the problem remains. Even tried reinstall rtorrent with sudo apt install -y --reinstall rtorrent but no joy.

Tips? I leave the plugin disabled then it works but I really like it…

No one? I would like to reinstall rtorrent but I cannot seem to find the right command? Also would like to keep my torrents going…