QuickBox Pro v2.3.5

Originally published at: https://quickbox.io/changelogs/quickbox-pro-v2-3-5/

This version has been released on Sunday, September 13, 2020.

This version is considered a maintenance/enhancement release. After a lot of testing and an even longer wait, we’re happy to announce that Ombi v4 is now included. You will still have the option to install v3 should you choose to roll with the current traditional flavor. Those commands are included in the changelog below.

In addition to included Ombi v4 we have now patched up the NextCloud build to incorporate php7.4, so no more jogging between php versions!

See the below changelog for all the adjustments and fixes that are included within this release. As usual, up until release be on the lookout for additional updates on your changelog as we work to make some final adjustments and testing.

Most importantly… stay human! 💓


APPS (new)
  • Ombi: install/update v3 -> v4
    • qb update ombi + USERNAME to update ombi v3 to v4
    • qb update ombi 3 USERNAME to update ombi v3
    • qb update ombi 4 USERNAME to update ombi v4
    • qb install ombi <3|4> USERNAME to install either ombi v3 or v4
    • qb remove ombi <3|4> USERNAME to remove either ombi v3 or v4
    • qb reinstall ombi <3|4> USERNAME to remove/install either ombi v3 or v4


APPS (enh)
  • Bazarr: bind reverse to localhost
  • Bazarr: build from github source directly to resolve in app updates
    • This will additionally store Bazarr at its new location at /opt/USERNAME/Bazarr. Config location does not change.
  • Fail2ban: set sendmail dependency and aliases on build
  • Grafana: better python module handling on build/update
  • Grafana: bump version 7.1.4
  • LazyLibrarian: set api string to dashboard if generated within application
  • LazyLibrarian: updated nginx reverse for gathering UI updates (bind to localhost)
  • Lidarr: build fpcalc if missing during the build
  • Medusa: updated build to use python3 as supported
  • Nextcloud: updated build to work with php7.4
  • Nextcloud: qb update nextcloud USERNAME to adjust php for 7.4 use
  • NZBHydra: updated reverse for localhost binding (better security)
  • Radarr: ensure the nginx reverse is updated on radarr v3 updates
  • SABnzbd: improved build/update
    • set build and update/reinstall to use python3.8 (all supported distro)
  • SABnzbd: adjustments made to the qb update sabnzbd USERNAME process
GENERAL & UI (enh)
  • Added lock removal processes to build files on install
    • This aids against acquiring duplicate database entries should users install without uninstall/reinstall multiple times
  • Improved python adjustments and versioning on qb update|fix version
  • Tweak php7.4-fpm pool for spawned child processes
  • Update readable font for nginx config editor on Service Control panel


APPS (fix)
  • Bazarr: updated build to work with new Bazarr v0.9 release
  • NZBGet: added additional par2 dependency on build
  • pyLoad: addressed an issue with listing pip modules on build
  • Radarr: ensure creation of users /tmp directory on initial build (on systemd service file)
  • Radarr: minor adjustments nginx reverse updating on v2 -> v3 upgrade process
  • Radarr: build /tmp/USER directory to carry the backup/update location for multi-user radarr installs
  • RTorrent: look for and remove additional session lock if present on pre start
  • ruTorrent: adjustments to build file not setting download directory reverse
  • SABnzbd: set feedparser==5.2.1 as versions 6+ are not yet supported
  • SickChill: updated build for python3 and service to use SickChill.py
  • Sonarr: updated proxy_header for in app updates
  • Tautulli: completion message url adjusted
GENERAL & UI (fix)
  • Adjustments to python updating on qb update|fix version
  • Display SABnzbd secure port on dashboard as we now proxy through secure port
  • Limited Shell config template updated with new variables for recent python requests (applies to focal)
  • NZBHydra2: set custom search function as nzbhydra will contain multiple apikey: fields for various indexers
  • qb user password adjustments to also update nextcloud should it exist for the user
  • Update python to 3.8.2 for Debian 9 installs