Originally published at: https://quickbox.io/changelogs/quickbox-pro-v2-1-4/
This version has been released on Sunday, December 15, 2019.
This version is considered a maintenance release. Continuing from the release of v2.1.3, we have improved some applications build processes to ensure more positive builds across various environments. Along with improving builds we have revamped the updater for QuickBox to be a little lighter and a little faster! Improved areas were the updating of the System Dashboard as well as porting over changes to our RClone move script. This will now place the proper changes/additions to those with RClone already installed.
New: |
qb update quickbox and qb fix version revamped |
Enhancements: |
Added notice to RClone on PMC in the event it's already installed |
RClone: improved move.sh with user sourced from database |
RClone: set RClone as an access group (user placed in group can install rclone) |
Reduced resource usage on pushgateway for top processes |
Grafana: update prometheus and pushgateway |
Dashboard: improved live feed on top processes |
Dashboard: removed erroneous calls in qb service scripts |
Dashboard: improved service files for qbnetwork and qbtop |
Dashboard: removed monthly/year network data tab as it causes very high loads with long historical data |
Installer: set varchar to a value of 255 to avoid failed entries from ipv6 in some cases |
Fixes: |
noVNC: set shell variables on package for install,remove |
pyLoad: set shell variables on package for install,remove |
Ensure proper shell is set on password change |
Lecert: added input from file rather than hostname command on influx |
Flood: set shell variables on package for install,remove |
set locks on user process array to ensure that only users w/ apps installed are shown |
Deluge: updated archive source for v1 download |
Ensure qbnetwork service starts in proper order on boot/reboot |
QBittorrent: edits for Debian installs |
RClone: update rclone move file on updater |
RClone: addressed syntax escaping causing move.sh to miss variables on the build |
Flexget: set shell variables on package for install,remove,update |
Flexget: tweak build to work on some xanmod installs |