QuickBox Pro v2.1.3

Originally published at: https://quickbox.io/changelogs/quickbox-pro-v2-1-3/

This version has been released on Monday, December 2, 2019.

This version is considered a maintenance release. We have improved some applications build processes to ensure more positive builds across various environments. This release also adds in better efficiency on application builds utilizing pip and python. We are now running these builds in complete non-interactive mode, therefore, pip will no longer await input and/or a ctrl + c intercept!

Better RClone logging!

We have made some underlying adjustments to how rclone logs. Now on qb upload it will not only show you the status of the upload, but it will show the last few entries of the log. This can be found at /home/USERNAME/rclone/move.log.

As per the usual, we have loads more to come with future releases, so keep an eye out. Thanks again to our awesome Community and members for all of your patience and really just being a part of QuickBox!

Stay Human 💕
  • Flexget: qb update flexget USERNAME will now update to v3
      - default install is v3 (now supports python3)
Shell: added additional logging and group variables to sub users shell
Let's Encrypt: remove bad hostname entry from grafana on cert install
Updated copy footer to be more compact and nested in side menu
  • Set python updated build and alternatives on initial install and on update
      - (reduce build times on apps requiring various python versions)
Stage (s)switch on builds requiring python-pip interaction
Subsonic: automatically scrape and grab latest version on build
RClone: qb upload when ran manually will now tail the move.sh log on intercept or completion
RClone: added rclone_user db_access_file entry for qb upload output
RClone: added additional logging to qb upload
Filebot: store functions in same directory (tidiness)
Filebot: set values for filebot if rclone is installed (better defaults and ease of setup)
Dashboard: ensure on update that old dashboard values are not overwritten
Grafana: properly update to avoid additional locks created to database
Grafana: ensure lock is fully removed on uninstall and/or swap
Deluge: ensure proper port values for daemon are passed off to database for user status panel
ruTorrent: ensure proper quota lock is read on stash and build
Shell: ensure that shell configs are properly staged for relevant user commands in ssh
AutoDL: send proper restart after update qb update autodl