QuickBox Pro v2.0.5

Originally published at: https://quickbox.io/changelogs/quickbox-pro-v2-0-5/

This version has been released on Friday, July 19, 2019.

This version is considered a patch version. After releasing support for Debian 10 we have issued a few additional fixes that should address any problems as a result of php7.3 support. Along with these adjustments we have sorted out a bug that was causing administrator passwords to pass off as empty on email adjustments, as well as the redirect issues with lecert. Of course, there are a few more enhancements/fixes, so check those out below!

Again, we would like to pass off our thanks to our amazing community for bringing these reports to us. A massive part of what keeps QuickBox moving forward is the community that we couldn’t be luckier to have at our side!

Prepend python2 instead of python2.7 to nzbhydra service
Added hostname change to lecert build
Dashboard for php7.3
qb user output
Mysql values changing on email change
qbupdater for deb10 installs
Deb10: Compatibility for lecert, phpmyadmin, rapidleech
lecert: fix redirect issue
qb fix siteroot for buster
Auto updates for resellers