QuickBox Pro v2.0.3

Originally published at: https://quickbox.io/changelogs/quickbox-pro-v2-0-3/

This version has been released on Thursday, July 11, 2019.

This version is considered a patch version. What have we done! Nothing, just posting another release!!! This version is set to address a couple of underlying issues, as minor as they were, they were causing some annoying usability issues. Of these are the correction on some additional application lock naming schemes to the database; it’s installed, just no status panel. We’ve also included a fix for some instances where application status panels would hang out… long after they were uninstalled, ie; Flood and Emby. Another fun fact, we’ve converted our dashboard_scripts to real life systemd service files. No more issues with System Dashboard graphs not populating properly after a reboot.

As per the usual, check out the changelog below for more details!

Converted nohup dashboard scripts to systemd service files
Added no-check to php sources for Debian
Flood showing as installed after uninstall
Addressed tautulli status panel
Addressed per user on sonarr service template
Ensure emby lock is removed upon uninstall
Include proper influxdb sources for Debian