Thanks for your interest @Shamanix 
It’s weird because I tried from the beginning (without cpuminer-multi folder inside the current directory) and it works well (if you typed the correct value regarding server pool etc, otherwise the screen will be “running” but cpuminer will not mine anything). Could you please retry? (or give me your pool details)
PS : the workers configurations are stored in the workers.conf
file in the current directory).
Not currently because I’m not a Emby user, but it could be planned in the next releases if people want it.
I also use a fork of the original cpuminer-multi which supports -lot- more algorithms : So you can mine with scrypt, sha256d, cryptonight, etc. My script wants to be “universal” with this particularity.
But there are still few bugs in the script, if people report them to me, I could fix them 
Regarding the coins, I’am agree with you that XMR is a good currency but a bit high ($89.49 today) regarding the others. As I mine with CPU (8c/16threads), the logic -I could be wrong- is to mine currency with low value (for now) to store a maximum of them and wait that their value raise. Currently I’m mining BCN ($0.001447), DSH ($0.014163), XDN ($0.001321) and FCN ($0.084833) simulatenously with the script.
Do you agree with this logic ?