QB Source Code is Moving to GitHub

Originally published at: https://quickbox.io/qb-source-code-is-moving-to-github/

It’s not that we’re scared of the Tunaki, nor that we are obsessed with Cthulhu and the Octocat will do as a fine substitute. We are retiring our self-hosted Gitlab due to a few major differences in the two source code hosting facilities. Let’s outline them below, then we’ll discuss how this may effect you.

Why was the main QuickBox repo removed from Github?

EDIT: I see it was re-added, though now missing all previous issues/PRs etc.

Yes, there was a minor hiccup on the repo. It will remove status tracking history but not commit history… nothing I can do about that. :frowning:

Ahh, it’s all good. All the stars are gone :frowning:

I know :frowning:
I’m bummed it happen, but we all make mistakes from time to time.

Preach :joy: It’s the truth.