I think running it this way worked, although I wasn’t sure whether to put my qb username or plex email in, i put the email address and got an error during creation
(1:150)# qb install plex [email protected] claim-wHyutTxspsQg7zBV3CLR
Plex will now be installed.
This process may take a few minutes
Please wait until the process is completed
➜ Adding additional keys and sources Plex…
✓ Keys and sources added.
➜ Checking and performing updates to system…
✓ System updated.
➜ Installing Plex dependencies…
➜ Installing apt-transport-https…
✓ Plex dependencies installed.
➜ Building Plex…
✓ Plex Built.
➜ Configuring Plex…
usermod: group ‘[email protected]’ does not exist
✓ Plex configured.
➜ Backing up Plex configuration…
✓ Plex configuration backed up.
➜ Claiming plex server for [email protected]…
✓ Plex Media Server successfully claimed
➜ Starting Plex…
✓ Plex started.
✓ Plex installed.
Thanks for your quick help