Plex problem meybe ssh

Hey just got your guys to install quickbox on my server. But my problem is, that when i’m starting plex from quick box it says, that it can’t find any server. I have read something about SSH, but im not so technical + im on a mac, so I can’t use putty to solve the problem?

The easiest way to go about claiming your server would be to use x2go. Check out this Wiki for the how.

Have tried it. of some reason I can’t login with x2go from mac. I have installed it on my server and on my mac

How about trying the following:

  1. Open a Terminal window or your command prompt
  2. Enter the following command (substituting the IP address of your server as appropriate):
    ssh SERVERIP -L 8888:localhost:32400
  3. Open a browser window
  4. Type http://localhost:8888/web into the address bar
  5. The browser will connect to the server as if it were local and load Plex Web App

Im not so technical, but I wrote the command in web console. Is that wrong couse I got the message Connection refused :sweat: ?

And I have tried to do the same in terminal…Same message ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused

As expressed within the PM on your installation request:

####Access Details for your QuickBox

#   Seedbox can be found at  .......redacted.......
#   (Also works for FTP:5757/SSH:4747)

The port for ssh in 4747

I got it work. You are a Genius !


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