Looking into implementing a PHP authentication system and storing the credentials in an SQL database.
My question is this. How is it currently requesting basic authentication when accessing services on a different port? For example, I know plex web server listens on port 31400, but it’s still asking for my login details when access that (the apache login details, not the plex ones). How is apache setup to intervene in this scenario?
I’ve also noticed that CSF doesn’t ask for these details and instead just serves it’s own login page. Why is CSF different to apache?
Would a PHP login system still be viable in this case? If there is something between plex and the user that is asking for authentication, could I drop something in there, say a page that checks if the user is already authenticated before serving up the contents? I don’t want to just insert a redirect page, as if the user gets hold of the resulting URL, they could easily by pass this.
Hope I make sense. This isn’t exactly my expertise.