OpenVPN connect client for Mac

I am trying to get OpenVPN to connect on my Mac. I am trying to follow the directions from the quick start guide,, but I don’t know what the address is to start the installation.

I am connected to OpenVPN on my iPhone by dropping the config file directly to the client and confirmed that it is operating as intended by checking my IP.

Am I suppose to navigate to my server ip followed by the username I created during the “quickVPN” install? navigating to “my.server.ip/openvpnusername” returns “Internal Server Error”. I also selected during install What DNS do you want to use with the VPN? -> 1) Current system resolvers.

Hello @E3TWuEeWvRp9,

If you go to https://yourdomain.tld you should see “Downloads” section.
If you click on it, you should see “OpenVPN config” which redirects to https://yourdomain.tld/~YourUser/

its worth pointing out that the link you’re referring to is for an openvpn access server.

you simply want an openvpn client to load your .ovpn file on your mac as you would your phone.

I personally use Viscosity because its awesome,

but Tunnelblick is open source, free and also does the job