Ombi settings failure

I installed QuickBox, rTorrent, Plex on my dedicated server and everything is running fine.
I installed Ombi too (with the auto installer from QuickBox)
I go on http://my.server.ip:5000/Wizard/ to setup it. Plex connect is OK, but on /Wizard/CreateAdmin , I chose Username and Password and I have this error:
“There was an error… You might want to put this on Github…”

I tried to update Ombi but it seems I already have the last version
I have NOTHING in my logs, I tried today but my last logs are:

2018-07-01 17:41:57.057 +00:00 [Error] StatusCode: Unauthorized, Reason: Unauthorized
2018-07-01 17:48:04.884 +00:00 [Error] StatusCode: Unauthorized, Reason: Unauthorized
2018-07-01 17:48:21.777 +00:00 [Error] StatusCode: Unauthorized, Reason: Unauthorized
2018-07-01 17:56:00.799 +00:00 [Error] StatusCode: Unauthorized, Reason: Unauthorized
2018-07-01 17:56:04.364 +00:00 [Error] StatusCode: Unauthorized, Reason: Unauthorized
2018-07-01 18:03:34.836 +00:00 [Error] StatusCode: Unauthorized, Reason: Unauthorized
2018-07-01 18:03:40.671 +00:00 [Error] StatusCode: Unauthorized, Reason: Unauthorized
2018-07-01 18:03:44.115 +00:00 [Error] StatusCode: Unauthorized, Reason: Unauthorized

It seems there are the logs from the first time I tried to setup Ombi with a bad Plex password, but nothing is added since.
I tried to change permissions to 777 for /opt/Ombi but nothing better… nothing more in my logs

I don’t know what to do now

Any advice/idea ?
