Since I’ve been spending the past 3 days trying to get Plex, and preferable with Quickbox, to work on a Hetzner server I have no clue what I can do anymore to get it to work, including almost every solution I could find on here. Note I’ve some experience with setting up dedi servers and plex but not plex on a dedi server, so I thought this would be a nice experience.
My main issue with getting Plex up is that I somehow eventually get it set up, but either I can’t get the connection working outside of the tunnel/proxy or I get an indirect server which makes plex “work” on the web version but not on the mobile apps.
I’ve been wondering to actually reset the server, for like the 8th time, and pay for either an install, tuning or even both as long as Plex would actually work that way.
So my question is does someone have any tips that I could still try, or can someone assure me that if I pay for either the install/tuner service my plex would somehow work afterwards?