I am not too familiar with linux. Can anyone help me with a couple questions? (Sorry for the dumb questions)
1.On the command l ine, it outputs something like this:
Sometimes, the 0b in parenthesis changes, for example, I have another window open, and it displays:
What is the size signifying? I have never seen this before on any linux machine prompt
2.When I run a ls command, or anything like that, all the directories are yellow, while video files are pink, flac files are a light blue. It seems all the color codes have been modified?
It seems to be completely different from the defaults (at least from: http://askubuntu.com/questions/17299/what-do-the-different-colors-mean-in-the-terminal )
For both of these, it seems to be only with my user that the QB created. Is this a change done by the quickbox install? If I login to the server as root, everything seems like the default colors, the command prompt is what I’ve see else etc. (then again, I am not a heavy linux user, so I could be completely wrong)
I checked .bashrc and I don’t see any settings for the color changes (in /home/USERNAME/.bashrc)