New Installation with a NAS mount

Okay so after days of dickering around I decided to try out QuickBox.
Setup: Ubuntu 16.04
NAS 5.4TB (fstab mounted to /home/user/files)
edited .rtorrent.rc to put torrents in files, all is well so far
1st torrent working as per :slight_smile:

  1. Both diskspace plugins are not showing the proper space for nas
  2. Dashboard same as above
  3. Dashboard -> Downloads ->rutorrent goes to empty folder not the new location, probably a simple edit somewhere
  4. Bootup, I did not install Deluge yet I see fails during the boot process, probably another edit somewhere

I’m sure I’ll find a few more things with this setup but this would be a good start to get things proper

The diskspace will only show the / or the /home mount points.[quote=“Gizmo, post:1, topic:1496”]
) Both diskspace plugins are not showing the proper space for nas

So I have the diskspaceh (only) loaded in rutorrent, edited the ruTorrent/conf/username/config.php to reflect /home/username/files/ and all is well in the rutorrent page, now if I can just see which file that the dashboard is using for the diskspace.
