I am running my Quickbox setup inside an LXD container. User quotas are my only issue, and I am stuck finding a solution and would like help on how to debug the rutorrent diskspace module. I do not know PHP and only a rudimentary understand of how this module works.
the Quota system inside an LXD does not work yet. They have implemented it, but have not seemed to get it functioning for user/group quotas. the ZFS file system work for quotas, but not user/group quotas.
I will describe an overview of what I have done, and where I am stuck and will post code and more information if someone wishes to bust their brain with me on this. I am at work and do not have access to my files.
In the diskspace module it runs the command “repquota -u / | etc”. This fails inside the container, but works perfectly on the host.
The quota system has been installed on the host, and i have mapped the users inside the container to the host system. In the container the user id is 1000. The host sees that user as user id 166536. I created the user on the host with the same name but user id of 166536.
When repquota is run on the host it gives exactly the same output as if it was run inside the container. and pipe the output to a file “/srv/quotafile”. The file is then rsync’d into the container “/srv/quotafile”
I changed the rutorrent module diskspace from “repquota -u / | etc” to “cat /srv/quotafile | etc”. I have tried this commands in SHELL and they work perfectly, but not in rutorrent.
I am here in the hopes of getting help with the diskspace module debugging.