Jackett install issue


I just updated Jackett via SSH and it seems to have broken. It now redirects to https://mydomain.com/UI/Dashboard instead of https://mydomain.com/jackett/Admin/Dashboard
I also tried installing it on a new server and I am having the same issues.

Any ideas would be awesome.


This is what I have in my server:/home/username/.config/Jackett/ServerConfig.json configuration file:

  "Port": 9117,
  "AllowExternal": false,
  "APIKey": "vbz15ea0dv7nlr13drqwsqhbxnzw3rwz",
  "AdminPassword": "f7706e2acdcc4abd59c00ee3512c14d0a111dd719d13560a705329dd168afef5327d5589c0bcac191fbc0189fe0288115f2d045f2affe7b09fba5de190e1ce03",
  "InstanceId": "f3om76lolida560kuj87kni39mg3myi9l9xof290hberl182z53hojmz6za6yyby",
  "BlackholeDir": "",
  "UpdateDisabled": false,
  "UpdatePrerelease": false,
  "BasePathOverride": "/jackett"

What yours looks like ?

Yeah, I think this got pushed in a recent commit, but the .conf file didn’t get updated. I’ll review this a bit and get an answer back in here. Thanks for reporting!

AWesome. I was looking through the commits on jackett. If I find it first and find the issue I shall update here.


If I go to https://mydomain.com/jackett/UI/Dashboard it now works. YEAH!!!

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I wonder why it was leaving the /jackett/ part out of the URL?


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