Jackett - error 404


I am still discovering the might of QB and learning all its heights and depths. You guys made an astonishing work and I really thank you for all your work.

I’ve stumbled upon Jackett which in my eyes is the perfect tool to help Sonarr and Couchpotato downloading my favorite content.

However, when installing it from the Dashboard and then clicking it, it redirects me to the URL https://myip/jackett/Admin/Dashboard and a 404 error. I’ve checked /etc/QuickBox/packages/package/install/installpackage-jackettfor the $jackettURL value but nothing’s looking wrong. I’ve also checked /var/log/apache2/error.log but it doesn’t display any Jackett related errors.

This is a fresh install, I just installed ruTorrent/Deluge, CP and Sonarr is being configured and awaiting Jackett to be fully effective.

I thank you for your help on this and I hope I’ll not be a burden.

I just ran a install on a fresh Virtual machine with QuickBox install.

So I would suggest that you uninstall and try installing from terminal

It worked! Thanks a lot for your help, now I need to add T411 indexer …

Wish me luck…
