How to run Transdroid on your Dektop (in Google Chrome)

Difficulty: Easy


  • a Computer running the latest Version of Google Chrome (should work on Winows, Linux, Mac)
  • a seedbox running ruTorrent (tested with quickbox)
  • 5 Minutes of your time

What you’ll need to download:

  • The latest version of ARChon (I used beta 2.1.0) for your architecture from here
  • Transdroid 2.5.8 packed with ARChon packager from here (If you don’t trust me, download the transdroid apk for yourself and use ARChon packager)

Step by step tutorial:

Step one:

Go to chrome://extensions and make sure you enabled the Developer Mode

Step two:

Unzip both files downloaded

Click on “Load unpacked extension…” and select the ARChon Runtime (folder vladikoff-archon-*******). Do not worry about the errors, that is normal.

Step three

Click on “Load unpacked extensions…” again and select Transdroid (folder Transdroid_archon_2.5.8). Again, don’t worry about the errors.

Step four

Launch Transdroid

As soon as it is launched, you will be asked to select a folder (I used my Documents folder). Inside your selected folder a folder named “Android” will be created storing the application data from Transdroid.

Step five

Configure Transdroid
If you’ve never done this before, transdroid is a bit of a pain in the behind to set up. If you are running quickbox, stick to the screenshot below for the advanced settings.

Step 6


The ruTorrent web interface sometimes it to laggy/buggy for me, so this is a nice addition to any setup (in my opinion)


Nicely done.