How to modify QuickBox CMS?


(Sorry for my bad english i’m french)
Today i have install QuickBox but i want to modifiy user panel (cms) and i dont find something in “/var/www”.
Where is the cms folder of QuickBox (Debian) ?


You can find the files for changing the dashboard at /srv/rutorrent/home The widgets on the dashboard are composed of several different directories.

Here is a verified structure of the dashboard itself:

+ fileshare
|---- .htaccess
|---- share.php -> ../../plugins/fileshare/share.php
+ img
|----  logo.png
|---- switch-installed.png
|---- switch-notinstalled.png
+ inc
|---- config.php
|---- panel.end.php
|---- panel.header.php
|---- panel.scripts.php
+ js
|---- bootstrap.js
|---- custom.js
|---- jquery-1.10.2.min.js
|---- jquery-easing-1.3.js
|---- jquery.flexslider-min.js
|---- jquery.form.js
|---- jquery.isotope.js
|---- jquery.localscroll-1.2.7-min.js
|---- jquery-migrate-1.1.0.min.js
|---- jquery.nav.js
|---- jquery.scrollbar.js
|---- jquery.scrollTo-
|---- jquery.sticky.js
|---- jquery.tocify.js
|---- jquery.tocify.min.js
|---- jquery.tweet.js
|---- jquery-ui-1.9.1.custom.min.js
|---- jquery-ui.min.js
|---- modernizr.custom.js
|---- nivo-lightbox.min.js
|---- npm.js
|---- quick.js
|---- script.js
+ lang
|---- br.php
|---- cn.php
|---- cs.php
|---- de.php
|---- en.php
|---- es.php
|---- fi.php
|---- fr.php
|---- hr.php
|---- hu.php
|---- it.php
|---- nl.php
|---- no.php
|---- pl.php
|---- ru.php
|---- sk.php
+ lib
| + animate.css
| + bootstrap
| + flot
| + font-awesome
| + Hover
| + ionicons
| + jquery
| + jquery.gritter
| + jquery-knob
| + jquery-toggles
| + jquery-ui
| + modernizr
+ skins
|---- quick.css
|---- seedbox.css
+ widgets
|---- bw_tables.php
|---- class.php
|---- config.php
|---- cpu_meter.php
|---- data.php
|---- disk_data.php
|---- load.php
|---- localize.php
|---- package_data.php
|---- plugin_data.php
|---- ram_stats.php
|---- shout.sql
|---- stat.php
|---- sys_data.php
|---- up.php
|---- vnstat.php
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Thank you very much !