How do I update to QuickBox on GitHub?

Thank you for posting this. Just a quick question. I ran all of these commands in the SSH. I got no errors other than Deluge not found (because I don’t use it). How would I go about knowing if the update worked? Has anything changed since last month? I know I don’t see club-QuickBox as a theme.

At the moment there are no major changes other than moving the repository to GitHub for all future releases. Also, ruTorrent and plugins have been updated to match the latest Novik release. If you followed the above, then I can 99.99% guarantee that you are now using the GitHub source. :wink:

I followed it exactly as it is. Just wanted to add that when I typed these:

chmod +x $(find /usr/local/bin/quickbox -type f)
cp -f /usr/local/bin/quickbox/system/reload /usr/bin/reload

I had to input “y” to accept/yes. Does that sound right?

[quote=“JMSolo, post:3, topic:2442”]
Also, ruTorrent and plugins have been updated to match the latest Novik release. If you followed the above, then I can 99.99% guarantee that you are now using the GitHub source.[/quote]
Wouldn’t that mean that if done correctly the QuickBox theme should show up on ruTorrent? Is a server restart needed?

The theme does not get added via an update. club-QuickBox is club-Swizards… merely renamed and pushed to a manageable repo for all new installs it is included.

You can update/grab the theme on any current install by following the readme posted within the themes repo.

You will need to navigate to your plugins/themes directory, typically located at ../../rutorrent/plugins/theme/themes

Next, simply clone the club-QuickBox skin to your themes

git clone club-QuickBox
chown -R www-data: club-QuickBox

Hello .

i can see that you have add a theme on rutorrent that my friend have made, i know he had make some change. Where should he post that change so people that use it are updated?

Could you inform me please of which theme was updated. He can adjust these within his own themes repository and we monitor and pull changes accordingly.