Ftp error after update 2.1.2


after auto update to 2.1.2 my ftp access stops with critical error and tell me my login is now incorrect?

any idea to fix this?

i am using port 5757, explicit ftp over tls

thanks for help

what happens on port 22 or 4747?

both don’t work and why should they, they weren’t configured. the master/admin user works, by the way, only the regular user doesn’t

Thank you for the report @the-quality! I am looking into this at the moment and we’ll have something out shortly to address this.

thank you, i opened also an support ticket, fyi (#326193)

Pushing out the hotfix for this in just a few minutes. I’ll post back as soon as it is upstream and you will be able to run a qb fix version to grab the fix


For anyone having issues with sub users and FTP on port 5757 after the recent v2.1.2 update, we have released a hotfix to address this. You can now either do qb fix version in CLI or go to your update/changelog page on your dashboard and hit the “Reset Current Version” button. This was/is a security release and we got a little strict on the settings. As such it was blocking all FTP connections for users. With this update, sub users are no longer able to login on port 4747 and can only login on port 5757 for FTP. SSH access is still available to users on port 4747, however, we have now limited the access this grants to users.

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thank you

works fine now :slight_smile:

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