Fresh install on Debian - No Disk Status and Can No longer use SSH

Thanks @liara! I hadn’t known the actual reasoning behind the fail but this makes complete sense. The readme has been updated with a very loud notice.


Good to hear! I noticed this a while ago with our older panel – the underlying functionality of the calls is the same, so I’m not surprised neither panel functions properly when grsec is enabled.

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Liara and JMSolo - thank you both for your help (and patience with a newbie linux user such as myself!)

I’ll reinstall my distro (Ubuntu 16.04) and select the option to use the distribution kernel - I was actually unaware that OVH modify the system in the way you mentioned!

Reinstalled Ubuntu with the distribution kernel and selected home as the Quickbox directory, and glad to say that the status now reports correctly on the web panel!

However, I get the following error when trying to set my disk quota:

   [kingblah@JJBSYS]:(0b)~$ sudo setdisk
    Username: kingblah
    Quota size for user: (EX: 500GB):
    setquota: Cannot open quotafile //aquota.user: No such file or directory

Show your /etc/fstab real quick

It looks like my /fstab file did previously, which is odd - I did select “/home” as the directory in the QuickBox install. Shall I make the changes you mentioned before?

[kingblah@JJBSYS]:(0b)~$ cat /etc/fstab
# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
/dev/sda2       /       ext4    usrquota,errors=remount-ro,relatime     0      1
/dev/sda3       /home   ext4    defaults,relatime       1       2
/dev/sda4       swap    swap    defaults        0       0
proc            /proc   proc    defaults                0       0
sysfs           /sys    sysfs   defaults                0       0
devtmpfs        /dev    devtmpfs        rw      0       0

Yes, go ahead and make those same changes along with resetting your mount point for quotas.

quotaoff -a
service quota stop
mount -o remount /home
quotacheck -auMF vfsv1
quotaon -uv /home
service quota start

I think I know what is happening. They default the line of text the script looks for on their /(root) partition and /home has the text defaults, thus it gets passed over for /(root). I’ll work on that other solution I had in mind today to make this process more intelligent as the script for setting up the fstab is a bit basic at the moment.

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