Ended up with two Quickbox Installations!

Hi, I tried to fix Medusa which wouldn’t update then wouldn’t work after uninstalling and reinstalling. So added other apps like sickgear and sickrage but their services wouldn’t start either. After lots of reading i ran a couple of commands and ended up with 2 versions of quickbox and now don’t have sudo permissions! My original version is 2.5.5 but 1.6.4 is now on there alongside it. i take it the second version thinks i don’t belong so is blocking me. Is there a way to uninstall that one so only my original version remains?

Hey there @johnmerrick!

After lots of reading i ran a couple of commands and ended up with 2 versions of quickbox

What commands exactly did you run as I am not entirely sure how you would have 2 versions of QB installed.