Couchpotato not starting since refresh

Hi there

I was having an issue with couchpotato scanning so I refreshed it but since then it’s not come back up I’ve tried using the slider to effectively turn it off again I had it load once but my snatched list and managed library was missing but all my settings were still in place so of course I restarted again but this time it wont load once again

Small update

Couchpotato has loaded but my error log is nothing but red and everything is missing again for example I can’t add new movie all my snatched and wanted are missing and the drop down menu for quality is blank

The log file is none stop but here is a snippet

12-21 11:26:49 ERROR[ couchpotato.api] Failed doing api request "media.list": Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/joemannix8/.couchpotato/couchpotato/", line 36, in run_handler res = api[route](**kwargs) File "/home/joemannix8/.couchpotato/couchpotato/core/media/_base/media/", line 321, in listView search = kwargs.get('search') File "/home/joemannix8/.couchpotato/couchpotato/core/media/_base/media/", line 231, in list all_media_ids = all_media_ids.union(set([x['_id'] for x in db.get_many('media_by_type', media_type)])) File "/home/joemannix8/.couchpotato/libs/CodernityDB/", line 991, in get_many "Index `%s` doesn't exists" % index_name) IndexNotFoundException: Index `media_by_type` doesn't exists
12-21 11:26:53 ERROR[chpotato.core.plugins.log] API log: {'file': u'https://HOST/couchpotato/static/scripts/combined.plugins.min.js?1479026318', 'message': u"chrome 55: \nUncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined", 'line': u'863', 'page': u'https://HOST/couchpotato/home/', '_request': <couchpotato.api.ApiHandler object at 0x7f46502b2750>}
12-21 11:26:58 ERROR[ couchpotato.api] Failed doing api request "media.list": Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/joemannix8/.couchpotato/couchpotato/", line 36, in run_handler res = api[route](**kwargs) File "/home/joemannix8/.couchpotato/couchpotato/core/media/_base/media/", line 321, in listView search = kwargs.get('search') File "/home/joemannix8/.couchpotato/couchpotato/core/media/_base/media/", line 231, in list all_media_ids = all_media_ids.union(set([x['_id'] for x in db.get_many('media_by_type', media_type)])) File "/home/joemannix8/.couchpotato/libs/CodernityDB/", line 991, in get_many "Index `%s` doesn't exists" % index_name) IndexNotFoundException: Index `media_by_type` doesn't exists
12-21 11:27:02 ERROR[chpotato.core.plugins.log] API log: {'file': u'https://HOST/couchpotato/static/scripts/combined.plugins.min.js?1479026318', 'message': u"chrome 55: \nUncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined", 'line': u'863', 'page': u'https://HOST/couchpotato/movies/', '_request': <couchpotato.api.ApiHandler object at 0x7f46502b2490>}

Since I’ve got a topic open could anyone also tell me how to backup my config so if I need to reinstall I don’t have to manually put all my providers in again I’ve done it so many times and I feel like an idiot not backing it up

as we are not CouchPotato dev i think you should find their form for this.

If Couchpotato was not running and or the dashboard link was broke then we could help more but who knows maybe someone here might have a solution to your problem.

Ok then I head on over to there I just thought you’d be the first place to go to since it was working before I tried to refresh it

I decided to reinstall and now it’s refusing to start anything I can do to fix it?

you could try to reboot the server it always helps me for some reason.

Ok I’ve made some progress now just the link in the dash is broken

3rd times a charm I reinstall again and it’s running

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Yeah, that’s an oddity I’ve not heard of with CP. Wondering if maybe on the install certain files from the CP git repo weren’t pulling and it was throwing these miscellaneous errors. It appears from the logs it was having no issue with reading the directory for CP and permissions were good.

Side Note: Sometimes the GUI fails on executing the packages. Therefore we have a CLI fallback. You can login to ssh and as root install every available package by typing box. From there you can attempt to install/uninstall… if this occurrence happens again for any reason in the future.

Thank you very much it’s been fine since the reinstall but I’ll keep that in mind for the future