Couchpotato error

im trying to config couchpotato but im getting that error it seems i have a problem connecting to rutorrent i have add the host scgi://localhost:28720/ any idea how to solve this out ?

its fixed

no i still have the same error. what port i have to use ?

i set the port and tested it if you messed it u messed with it thats on you buddy XD

and you go and uninstall it XD
ok installed it again and fixed it again…

all you have to do is add a tracker.

Thanks Sir.

For the tracker details i have to add the Passkey or the password of the site ?

the same login you would use on the site.

because im using my login details on Sickrage but it give the login details is wrong then i used my Passkey and till now i haven’t get the same error again