Clarification on apache2 config


Thanks to the wonderful community here for amazing work done in developing this project. I am about to donate to you guys for all the wonderful work that has been done here.

I have a quick question on the web server. I would like to create a separate url which will contain a subset of directories that I would like my friends/family to be able to download from. I don’t want them to access the rtorrent/deluge console at all.

Can I achieve this by just dropping in a new entry in the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/aliases-seedbox.conf
Further, I have a few questions on the config(I am proficient in Linux, but not in apache2).

Is the bolded Alias command “Commented out” ?

What does the “AuthName” tag mean?

Can I use a different htpasswd other than what is referred to, something like /etc/htpasswd.downloads or so?

Alias /rutorrent “/srv/rutorrent”
<Directory “/srv/rutorrent”>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AuthType Digest
AuthName "rutorrent"
AuthUserFile '/etc/htpasswd’
Require valid-user
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all

#Alias /user1.rtorrent.downloads “/home/user1/torrents/rtorrent/”
<Directory “/home/user1/torrents/rtorrent/”>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AuthType Digest
AuthName "rutorrent"
AuthUserFile '/etc/htpasswd’
Require user user1
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all
php_admin_value engine Off