at the moment my browser tab says your quickbox seedbox can this be changed to something smaller like just quickbox or changed to something completely different
at the moment my browser tab says your quickbox seedbox can this be changed to something smaller like just quickbox or changed to something completely different
You can change this at /srv/rutorrent/home/inc/config.php
Around line 13
$panel = array(
'name' => 'QuickBox Seedbox',
'author' => 'Everyone that contributes to the open QuickBox project!',
'robots' => 'noindex, nofollow',
'title' => 'Your Quickbox Seedbox Panel',
'description' => 'QuickBox is an open-source seedbox project that is developed and maintained by anyone who so choses to provide time and energy. QuickBox has been made possible by the Team at Swizards. See Swizards.net. For more QuickBox, checkout https://plaza.quickbox.io',
'active_page' => basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']),
Thanks again for your help