Cardigann Package

Jackett is nice, but having Cardigann would be better. Thank you.

Hello @Stellaris,

I installed Cardigann and I tried to create an install package but it was a bit complicated.
For now, the most simple is to install Cardigann manually :

    cd /opt
    mkdir cardigann && cd cardigann
    tar xvzf cardigann-stable-linux-amd64.tgz                                                                                                          
    rm -rf cardigann-stable-linux-amd64.tgz
    ./cardigann server #for create $HOME/.config/cardigann/config.json
    ./cardigann service install
    service Cardigann start                 

I do not know why but Cardigann on my server doesn’t read correctly the config.json file.
Even if I set a “passhphrase”, it does not apply it. I need to start Cardigann with --passphrase every time. If some people are interested, I may look a bit deeper what’s the problem.

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Hey @PastaGringo - did you play around with Cardigann some more? Been reading up on it today, and it does seem like a great alternative to Jackett.

If you did, would you have some feedback - pros/cons you could share?

I have been using it:
doesn’t crash. Haven’t had to mess with it. Jackett would crash everyday.
good selection. Easy setting up and getting.
PUBLIC! trackers! :slight_smile:

Doesn’t have all trackers jackett has.


Add this to your config:

nano /.config/cardigann/config.json

“global”: {
“passphrase”: “Strong long Password HERE”

Funny enough, no API key is need in the config. It makes new API key after you login with new password. So u have to update. Also, I didn’t seem to work with a short weak PW, Had to use Long PW with just letters (upper and lowecase)

Also here is how I install (much easier)

mkdir /app && \ wget -O /app/cardigann.tgz && \ cd /app && tar -xvf /app/cardigann.tgz

cd /app

chmod +x cardigann

./cardigann service install

nano /.config/cardigann/config.json

Add at the end (or between trackers if not work at end):

“global”: {
“passphrase”: “Strong long Password HERE”

./cardigann service start


yea that is the real flaw with Cardigann; most the trackers I used are not on it

At least on the Bytesized Connect version

FYI, Cardigann might be a dead project.

kaso17, one of the collaborator on Cardigann said the following:

Fixed plenty of bugs in jackett during the last weeks. If lxt2 would have brought cardigann up to the same level as jackett I might have considered abandoning jackett in favor of cardigann. But at the current state cardigann is missing to many features. I stopped working on it.


lxt2 has disappeared since Nov, only kaso17 has been updating the cardigann definitions as he has ported cardigann definitions support o jackett. So you should consider this project abandoned.